Chapter 19 (Hermione)

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Being Muggleborn, Hermione didn't think it would be this difficult to not use magic...

Merlin, she missed it.

Three weeks without her wand.

And while she still attended class, she could only watch, dejected and envious as others practiced.

She continued studying for her N.E.W.T.S. but no longer raised her hand in class, preferring any and all attention away from her.

After being interviewed extensively by the Aurors, rumors were extensively swirling through the corridors of Hogwarts. Some were so bold enough to blame her but would then face the wrath of one Ginerva Weasley and her infamous bat-bogey hex.

After confirmation of Dennis Creevey and Cho Chang's involvement in the Prophet, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw houses became more subdued.

Everyone walked on egg shells around her and though Harry and Ginny tried, their voices were softer and their hesitancy noticeable.

Well, everyone except the Slytherins.

Pansy still argued about nearly everything, Blaise continued to be awkward and slightly inappropriate, Theo endlessly teased and pushed her academically, and Astoria was a quiet companion to study with in the library.

Draco however, was quieter than usual and withdrawn. He still held her every night, sat with her during class and meals, kissed her sweetly... but something was missing.

It'd been several days of worrying as she stared into the fireplace in their common room when it struck her.



Hermione chewed on her bottom lip, feeling anxious.

A lot has happened to him, and she scowled into the fire as her insecurities grew louder in her head.

Without magic, Hermione was practically a Squib. She was physically weaker and her mind could only handle so much at a time. Did he still want her?

She shook her head, looking down at her fidgeting hands.

This wasn't about her. And pitying herself would lead no where.

The common door opening had her quickly turning, a smile already playing at her lips but his expression changed her smile's trajectory.

He was occluding.

"Draco?" she asked quietly. "Come sit with me?"

Without a word, he dropped his book bag and did what she asked.

Hermione took a deep breath before she shifted onto his lap so she was straddling him.

A flicker of life behind his eyes was an encouraging sign

"How was your advising meeting with Slughorn?"

He absentmindedly began playing with her hair, wrapping a curl around his finger.

"Alright I supposed," he said quietly. "McGonagall and the Minister were there. "

"Kingsley?" she said, stunned. "Why was he there?"

He smiled sadly, only watching how he played with her hair. "Shouldn't be surprising, love. I was a Death Eater. Nothing I can do about it."

Hermione was surprised how she felt burning embers in the pit of her stomach. He sounded so sure and it made her angry.

"I'll make sure I clarify that I'm in love with a Death Eater then," she said coldly.

As if coming out of a confundus charm, he slowly blinked and his eyebrows furrowed.

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