Chapter 2 (Draco)

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Draco continued to scowl at his reflection in the window, his eyes dancing back and forth between himself and the witch across from him. 

What had he been expecting? That the famous Hermione Granger would suddenly be best mates with him? 

He watched as her eyes darted across the page, her pink lips slightly parted as she read.

Draco rolled his eyes. He had read the book himself, but didn't bloody know what could be so interesting she wouldn't even spare him a glance. It was rather insulting Granger found a textbook more interesting than engaging in conversation with him. 

For a mudblood - Muggleborn, he internally corrected himself - she was rather pretty in her own way. Her bushy brown hair had been somewhat tamed over the years and there was an obvious womanly figure underneath her school robes. Even he had to grudgingly agree she had looked quite attractive with Viktor Krum their 4th year at the Yule Ball. Coming to this conclusion had only made him angry and increased the bout of insults. 

Still, he could see the war had taken its toll. There were a few tiny scars on her face and neck, a softness and innocence no longer present in her expressions, and he was aware of the scarring on her arm she grabbed at the mentioning of the torture she endured. 

Draco grimaced. That had made him rather uncomfortable. He had assured himself she meant nothing to him, but her screams rebounded in his head for several days nonetheless. But if she had meant nothing... why didn't he confirm with certainty it was her?

Her eyebrows scrunched together in annoyance as her eyes continued to roam across the pages in disdain. It made him rather curious on what could be causing such irritation.

"What's got your knickers in a bunch?" he asked with a smirk, knowing it would annoy her. 

She jumped as if she had forgotten he was there and looked at him in surprise before the expression shifted into a scowl. "I doubt you would be interested."

"Suit yourself," Draco replied with a shrug, pretending he wasn't offended by her lack of dialogue. The perfect Hermione Granger seemed to be disobeying McGonagall by not trying to get along - at least he could say he tried. 

She had gone back to her book, but it was obvious she was no longer reading, her scowl deepening.

Draco's smirk widened as he continued to poke the irate Gryffindor. "That scowl is quite unbecoming." He ignored her offended expression with a quiet chuckle as he reached into his robes for a green apple. 

"If you must know," Granger started, looking frustrated as he took a bite of his apple. "I rather dislike the treatment of house elves."

He raised an eyebrow as he took a second bite. 

"It's rather ridiculous they cook our food at Hogwarts without any compensation," she continued, sitting up straighter. "It's enslavement and barbaric, they all should be set free."

He pondered this as he chewed, feeling accomplished on getting her to talk. "You could argue," he said, noting the surprised look on her face that he was going to respond. "They enjoy the work and don't want to be free."

She rolled her eyes and huffed, as if hearing this rebuttal before. "They don't know any better. All their lives they have been told it's normal and expected of them. Of course they fear the unknown but -"

"But," he interjected louder. "You're regarding them of having lesser intelligence as if they cannot think for themselves. Wouldn't it be more prudent for them to ask for freedom or compensation and advocate on their own behalf?"

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