Haeun nodded and took a bite of his sandwich. "Jimin?"

"Yeah?" Jimin continued to stuff his fruit sandwich in his mouth, making his cheeks look big.

Haeun held in a laugh, she had to be serious. But he looked so much like a squirrel.

"The other maids keep glaring at me because they think we're dating. Tell them we're not." She said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, yeah." Jimin nodded. "I'll tell them you're my friend."

Haeun's brows furrowed and she looked at him questionally. "Friend? Why."

Jimin took another bite of his sandwich before saying. "Because they'll harass you."

"Harass me? What? Why? How?" Haeun kept asking, but he didn't answer. He was busy eating his sandwich. "Tell me!" She yelled, slapping his shoulder in impatience.

Jimin looked at her with a slight glare and finished his sandwich. "Bora got harassed when Hoseok told the others she was his cousin. Some would either follow her and ask about personal questions about Hoseok and others would go and harass her. I don't want either of them to happen to you.

That's the part of the reason I don't like the maids."


"We greet the queen mother the same as we did with the competing women." Bora informed Haeun, who stood beside her.

"Okay, got it." Haeun smiled.

All of the maids stood on either side of the entrance hall, waiting for the mother queen. The king stood alone by entrance, as the prince was on a date.

His lips were formed into a big smile, clearly showing how glad he was to meet his mother again.

The royal staff bowed as the big doors opened, revealing the queen mother with maids and guards following her from behind.

"Oh, my son. It's nice to see you again." The queen mother said as she pulled her son into a hug.

The king chuckled, hugging her back. "It's nice to see you too mother."

"Where is my grandson?" The queen mother asked as she backed out of the hug. A small smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, he's on a date with one of the contestants mother." The king informed, a bright smile on his face.

"Ah, I wanted to meet the women before he chose which one he is going to marry." The queen mother smiled.

"Yes mother, I know you'll love the women I've picked out for him," The king grinned. "But tell me about your trip. What did you see?" The king curiously asked, linking his arm with his mother's.

"Oh, nothing special. Just some..."


The sky was filled with the beautiful colors of pink and yellow. The evening had come, Haeun and some of the other maids were outside, cleaning the terrace. Haeun used a tall broom to get rid of the dead leaves on the terrace.

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