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I get in the coffee shop, there are a bunch of people. "Hi, y/n, the usual?" Nataly asks kindly, i nod at her with a smile, "also, i got you that donut you asked for" she signals at the donuts with chocolate, there are black chocolate, white chocolate, pink chocolate, and green chocolate with gold sprinkles. "O my, i love it! I'll get one for sure" "cool, umm, name" "just put Loki" i say both of us chuckling. I stand at the side of a tall men, dark long hair and pure black suit. I look at him for a second but look away so i don't embarrass myself.

"Loki?!" Nataly says loudly. Me and the man at my side get closer to her. "Excuse me, it's my order." He says looking down at me "sorry i thought- i putted Loki on my order" i say back, "well, you are not him right?"he takes his cup, "y/n, your Loki order" she gives me my things, "thanks" the man on my side looks at me confused. "Why would you put Loki on your order?" He asks confused, "i like the guy, sorry, the god" i say as i walk away waving at Nataly. He walks behind me with the same face, "do you know him?" I scoff, "i wish, he is like- he's my favourite god, in general" he's right besides me as i calmly walk "why?" "I guess... He is pretty relatable, and i personally think he's misunderstood" "he's a monster" he says with a disgusted face "what?! Nah ah" i stop walking and look at him, my index finger on his chest, "do not EVER call him a monster, he's a frost giant! You know how cool it is to be able to control how you look, he can do magic, he can fight, he's strong..." I keep walking as he is standing there with a surprised face.

He speed walks to be again at my side. He doesn't say anything but he looks at my donut. "Want some?" I ask. "No I was just wandering... The girl in the coffee shop said they are made for you or something..." "Yeah..." I say as i chuckle. "It reminds me of him, y'know, green and gold..." He just nods with a small smile.

"Here" i hand him the last piece of the donut and clean a bit my hands with my pants. "What am i supposed to do with this?" He says looking at me scrunching his nose, i look at him as i take the keys from my pocket. "It's for you, i have to get inside, i loved talking to you" i say with a sweet smile. "Likewise" he says smiling back. I turn around to unlock my door. "If you prefer..." I turn my head a bit  as he looks at the pice of donut "we could finish the conversation, tonight? I'll pick you up at nine If you are comfortable with it." He looks up at me with a soft look, for some reason i feel like i can trust him. I let out a chuckle and he smiles at me "just nothing to fancy" i say "uh, i like fancy stuff..." He takes a dramatic breath "i can try, but i cannot make a promise" he says smirking. I let out a small laugh and nod. I swear i think i saw the tip of his nose and his cheeks blushing. We both nod and i get inside as he eats the pice of donut i gave him.


As i step out of the shower and dry myself i decide to put some slight elegant clothes and look at myself in the mirror. "It's not a date y/n... Get your shit together" i say as i rib my face with both hands.

Just as i finish getting ready the bell rings, that must be him. I open the door and see him, pure black suit and his hair slicked back. "Oh, what a coincidence" he looks at me smirking a bit "hm, sure. Want to get going?" He says as he puts his hands on his pockets. "Yes, just let me grab my keys and my phone" i say as i get inside again but quickly get out with my things.

We walk with a comforting silence between us untill we get to the restaurant. "Hello, i had a reservation under friggason name please" the waitress looks at the book and nods leading us inside to our table. He helps me sit and pulls my chair, my back meets his hands for a second before he steps back and sits on his chair. "you're okay?" "Yes it's just, your hands are cold" i say with a chuckle, "oh I'm sorry, they're always cold" he says looking down at his hands "no i-its okay, it just surprised me. So... Friggason..." I say, "you are just as obsessed as me" i let out a chuckle.

"Oh..." He leans on the table, arms crossed, " so you're obsessed with him... Why?" I get a bit tense at the way he just said it. "I mean... First of all his a god, he is a Jotun which- not gonna lie, i find kinda hot- hi is a shape shifter which I'm tremendously jealous about, knowing that he is gender fluid and shape shifter at the same time... He can do magic and detect lies, he can make stuff apear o despair, he's... He's relatable." He looks at me confused tilting slightly his head to one side.

"He's been hurt, he is adopted and no one told him that. He lives in the shadow of his brother when things go good but when something bad happens he is the center of the attention, and... I understand that..." "Well he is technically a villan so..." "well, i don't see him as a villan actually, he just... He needs someone that cares about him, someone that tells him that is going to be okay, and that he is enough, someone that says good morning and good night without being obligated to, someone that asks how he feels genuinely caring..." i look up and see him with his eyes open and the glass of wine close to his mouth but not drinking from it.

"S-sorry" i say with a chuckle "i sometimes talk a lot about how much i care about someone that doesn't even exist... It's... Pathetic i know..." He puts the glass down and one hand on top of mine. "I don't see it as pathetic. I see it as a admirable thing, you care so much for others even if you don't know you know them" i look at him smiling but then confusion hits me "what do you mean by that?" "By what?" He says "you said even if you don't know you know them" "i don't know what you are talking about" he says half smirking.


The dinner was amazing and we talked for a bit, after a small argument he ended up paying for everything.

As we walk back home i glance at him. "What's the matter y/n?" I take a deep breath as i put my hands in my pockets "i don't even know your name yet" i say smiling at the ground. "I've already told you" i giggle at his response "you told me you're name is Loki" i say as i get on my door. He looks at me smiling and raising an eyebrow, "i would like a chat with you" he says as he puts his hands on the pockets of his pants and gets closer to my ear "privately..." That sends a shiver down my spine and nod.

I open the door and lead him inside, "please take a sit", he sits in the couch and i sit besides him. "Well, it's not that my name is Loki, i AM Loki" i just stare at him. "Okay what about this..." He takes a deep breath and his skin turns a beautiful Blue with lighter lines across his face, his eyes a deep red looking directly at me. "I-" i try to say something not i have no words. "I know, pathetic right?" He says it the same way i said it during dinner "no is no- are you mocking me?" "Just teasing" he says smirking, "I'm over of what people think about me" his eyes drift from my eyes to my lips to my eyes again. "But most importantly..." He lowers his voice and gets closer to my ear, my heartbeat speeding up. "Someone told me they find this" he gently kisses my ear Wich sends a shiver through all my body.  "Let's talk about it" he says and i can feel  his smirk against my skin.

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