moving day

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I grab my last box form the moving truck, i thank the guys that helped me and they go away. 

As i step in the the apartment block a nice old lady smiles at me "are you the new young men?" she kindly asks making me chuckle a bit. "yes, my name is Tom Hiddleston, nice to meet you", she nods at me and her smile disappears, you're the one that got the apartment 4B huh...". "um.... yes...? is there any problem?" she looks behind her and approaches to me, waving her hand telling me to get close to her. she whispers at me "the apartment 4A is not save, never go inside if he asks you, and NEVER talk to the girl, just for both of your safeties." she pats my arm and gets out. i stay there in the entrance, not knowing what to do, 'that was wired...' i think to myself. I frown my eyebrows and head to my apartment.

I get to my door and put the box down for a second, as i search for my keys on my pockets a couple goes past behind me. "You're the new guy huh?" He asks as he searches for his own keys. I nod at him, "i have to warn you, we put a lot of scary movies and stuff, we might bother you a bit, these stupid walls are not even sound proof." He laughs as he opens the door "you get inside and we'll talk about that" he furiously says in a low tone as he pushes the girl inside. I get a smile glance as she looks at me, it's for less than a second but i swear could see her broken soul through her eyes.

I open my door and get my box "Well i have to start unpacking before it gets dark" i smile at him trying to get out of the conversation. Without saying a word he opens his door and before it closes hir "kind" smile turns into a furious face. I get inside closing the door behind me, i stay there looking at my box, thinking about that conversation...

''you're the one that got the apartment 4B huh..."

"You're the new guy huh?"

"the apartment 4A is not save"

"these stupid walls are not even sound proof."

"never go inside if he asks you,"

"we put a lot of scary movies and stuff, we might bother you a bit"

"and NEVER talk to the girl, just for both of your safeties"

"you get inside and we'll talk about that"

I wake up from my trance by a loud crush on the other side of my wall, i look at it and get closer, trying to listen.
"If you scream, he'll know, and if he knows he will call the police again... Do you want the police to come again?". There's a moment of silence "exactly, so be a good girl and just do THE FUCK YOU ARE TOLD TO!"  He screams making me jump a bit. "God... What did she even do...?" I ask at myself worried. "I mean, i guess she did something bad or wrong but... How bad it was...?"

Your POV

"Do you think i haven't noticed??!!" He screams at me. "The way you looked at him??!! Do you really think someone is gonna help you? Save you?" He gets closer to me, i scoop back to the corner and slide down the wall, my knees on my chest and trying to protect myself. "NO ONE cares about you! AND NO ONE will fucking get you out of here!" He suddenly slaps my face so hard i can taste some blood on my mouth. He furiously walks away. "now, stop being a crybaby and do some dinner for me. don't bother making some for you... today you don't deserve it". He sits on the couch and turns the tv on, "BEER" he opens his hand and i go for a beer an set it right on his hand.

After dinner i make sure to leave everything clean and Adam wraps me with his hands from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for yelling..." he says softly, i take a deep breath "i know...". "now... why don't we go to the bedroom..." he grabs my hand and drags me. Just by the tone i know exactly what he wants, "i really don't want to today" i mutter, he immediately stops and turn to look at me. "we... that's not what i taught you haven't i?" i shake my head quickly. "then. what do good girs say?" "thank you" i say with my head down, my voice cracking and some tears already filling my eyes.

I wake up, i want to move, but i can't. Im supposed to be making Adam's breakfast but i can't even move, everything hurts... i try to stand up and wince as less as possible as i try to stand up and walk to the kitchen. Once i finally done the waffles he likes and his coffee. i put everything on the table nicely as he comes in. "Well... just in time..." he says as he sits down "Next time be quicker..." he takes a deep sip of the coffee "AND DON'T WAKE ME UP!!!" he throws the mug to the wall behind me, making it break  into pieces  and staining everything from the coffee that was left, including me. 

Once he finishes  he grabs his stuff  and he opens the door. "i want everything clean when i'm back" he slams the door shut making me flinch. i rest my back on the smudged wall and slide until i meet the ground. i curl myself into a wall and start crying, not even caring if im getting wet with the coffee.


As i take my breakfast i read some of the news but i can't even concentrate. I can't stop thinking about yesterday, he was really mad at her and i still don't even know what she did... I couldn't even sleep thinking about it... "NO ONE cares about you! AND NO ONE will fucking get you out of here!" What was going on...? My thoughts are interrupted by a loud crash on the wall, "AND DON'T WAKE ME UP!!!". What is wrong with him?!

Some minutes later i hear the door close and someone fast walking though the corridor outside the apartment. I get closer to the wall and carefully put my ear on it. I can hear a very soft crying, I'm pretty sure that that must be her, i feel so bad about it, i really want to do something but... What could I do... If i call the cops they legally can't do anything if they don't catch him red handed. I could try to go by myself but i don't want to get in any trouble... I sit down on the ground resting my back on the wall, just... Thinking.

She has spent the whole day walking through the apartment and singing quietly. Her voice sounds lovely but also sad and hurt... I don't blame her... Is this her life like this always? It's... Horrible...


Hi, this story is currently here.

I decided to make it a full story, updates are slow but I'm trying my best!.

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