"Why don't you just invite him?" I question. 

Although I was asking these questions to Shuhua, I was a little more focused on Felix. 

He seemed torn at the menu as he stared for a while before getting his money out for the exchange. 

As him and cashier, a part of me watched their conversation as the girl smiled brightly at him. 

She likes him. 

Giggling at everything he says, and seeming to ask more questions as usual. 

Of course just observing until Felix must've sense my gaze, turning to look at me. 

"Oh shit-" I whisper, before looking away shyly. 

"You know I can't... And what? Did you lose your ticket information? I texted it to you for this very reason!" Shuhua says picking up on my whisper. 

"Calm down. I just accidentally saw someone" I say reassuring her. 

"Look everything is fine, and I'll see you later at the race" I add. 

"I hope" is all she says before she hangs up. 

"Kora" a barista from behind the counter called my name, with a slight ding of a bell. 

Shoving my phone into my bag, I made my way to counter to grab my drink and snack. 

As I fumbled with the wrapper on a straw, I could see a figure in my peripheral waiting to talk to me. 

I knew it was him. 

"Why hello" is all heard once I finally threw my trash away. 

"Hello to you as well. I feel like I haven't seen you in a while" I reply. 

"I mean I've seen you. It seems like you've been a little preoccupied with the boys apart of NCT" Felix says, making me chuckle slightly. 

"And what, I should be spending more time with Straykids?" I question back, obviously kidding. 

"Actually yes. You could come party with us for a change" he suggests. 

"Correction, I don't party with them. The only people-.. or actually person, I party with is Shuhua" I state. 

"Doesn't seem like that" Felix replies, almost as if he was suggesting to something. 

"You seem to be watching me a lot" I retort, not really knowing what to say to his suggestion. 

"Not watching, just observing" he corrects. 

"That's exactly what a stalker would say" I reply, making us both chuckle. 

"I promise I'm not stalking you. You just tend to catch my eye a lot" Felix explains. 

The response slightly making my face heat up. 

Calm down Kora. 

"Anyways, what do you have on your plans today?" he adds changing the subject. 

"Running an errand for Shuhua in 216 area" I answer, earning a surprised expression from Felix. 

"What? What's with that expression?" I question. 

"Nothing... It's just that's a nicer part of town" Felix explains. 

"Is that the area she lives in?" I ask. 

"No Shuhua lives in the 217 area, which is practically a couple blocks down. The 216 area is a suburban wet dream" Felix answers, earning a chuckle from both of us. 

Overflowing Lights // lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now