"You got to change that then," Lawson replied. I could literally hear him smirking. "Before she finds interest in someone else."

"Like who?" There was a moment of silence. I felt like my ears could fall off from straining them to hear the two. Lawson didn't reply. One of them rang the doorbell. I took that as my cue to come out of hiding.

"I'm right here," I called out once I was in view of them. Oliver smiled as I walked towards him. We quickly embraced before we went into the Cole's home. I looked at the time; 7:30. The kids should be getting in their beds soon. I told them they should at least get into their pajamas, and they went to their rooms to change.

Lawson and Oliver flopped on the couch once they left. Oliver, the one nearest the remote, flipped to the channels. He stopped on MTV2, where they were doing a marathon of The Hard Times of RJ Burger.

"Umm..." I started. "Shouldn't we be watching something less.... Sexual? What if the kids come back in?"

Lawson laughed. "Then we'll switch the channel, or let them watch it. It's actually pretty educational. It talks about high school and bullying in a weird way." He patted the space that was between him and Oliver. "Now sit, and enjoy the show darling." He gave me one of his infamous winks. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch. Lawson put his arm around my shoulder. I softly put it off and placed it on his lap. Lawson grinned and put it on my jean clad knee. His touch sent an unwanted spark through my body. I jerked it away from him and leaned into Oliver.

Oliver wrapped around his arm around me and said, "Lawson, I thought you were gay? Why the fuck are you hitting on girls?"

"Would you rather I touch Jason, Levi, or Brock?" he replied, smirking. "Or maybe both. At the same time. In the same bed." He had on a far-away pervy look.

"That's really disgusting and wrong," I said, laughing. Brock then ran downstairs in his blue footsie pajamas, tears streaming down his eyes.

"Airlia! We can't find Max!" Max was their cat. I walked to Brock and crouched down to him so we were eye level. Just at that moment, Levi burst through the door.

"Max ran over to the woods! I tried to catch him but he was too fast!" Levi was also crying. "It's all my fault! He's gonna get eaten by a werewolf, and we'll never see him!"

I was going to say that werewolves weren't real, when Lawson said, "I'll go find him." I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was joking, but his face didn't portray a smirk, nor a grin. 

"I'll go find him too," I said before I could stop myself. I looked at Oliver, seeing if it was okay. 

Oliver shrugged and said, "I'll watch Levi and Brock." The two boys nodded and went over to go sit by Oliver. Lawson and I went out of the house and walked towards the woods that were across from the Cole's.

Lawson and I walked up the hill that led to the woods in silence. I stared at the green grass, my cheeks blazing hot. I still got nervous around him. I noticed everything about him: the way he ran his hand through his hair, either to make sure it's in place or because he's nervous; the way he pursed his soft pink lips when he was thinking. I don't know how I knew all this; just from... Studying him?

We walked up the hill, breathing softly. "Well, I can't see him." I sighed.

"Let's just wait here," Lawson replied. He sat down where he was standing. Sighing, I followed suit. I tapped my foot to the beat of "You Rocky Spine" by Great Lake Swimmers to give me something to do. A few times I snuck a look at Lawson. One time, I caught him doing the same. He blushed and quickly turned to look at a tree.

"So..." I started. "How are things between you and Kira?"

I watched as his face hardened. "Not good. I don't really like her. Never did." Then, he looked me in his eyes. I could read the hurt in them. "I made a very bad choice, Airlia. I wish I could take it back, and I wished the girl that liked me still did." His fingers scooted close to mine. I felt like reaching out and grabbing them, but I decided that would be too creepy.

"Who's this girl?" I was curious, even though it was none of my business, really.

Lawson sadly smiled. "It doesn't matter who it is. It matters that I messed up big time." He moved closer to me and put his warm hand on mine. "And I think you know how it is. You're just thinking too hard."

I mentally went through a list of girls. Adeline? No, he constantly calls her a bitch. Nicole? No, she's too much of an airhead, and besides, she has Alex.

Lawson moved closer to me, now only a few inches away. Smiling, he pushed back a strand of my black hair. "Maybe I should go gay. No girl wants to be with me. Not after... Kira." He gulped and frowned. "And I just.... Don't get the rush of kissing girls anymore." He looked me directly in the eye, his hazel ones matching up to my browns, and said, "That's why I went so far with Kira. I wanted to know if I still, well... Liked girls."

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked. Lawson was about to reply, when Max came bursting through the woods, and landing gracefully on my lap. "Max!" I cried out and scratched his ears. He purred in response. I smiled and said to Lawson, "Well, it looks like we can go now."

He nodded, but mostly to my lips. As he stood up, he still held my hand. He leaned into me and said, "But I need to kiss the girl that I love first before I can go gay."

"Then do it," I whispered.

"The problem is, she doesn't want to, and I'm pretty sure her boyfriend would kick my ass, or call the mob on me." He laughed. When he saw my perplexed expression, he said. "You still don't know who it is, do you?"

I shook my head no. "I need a name." I had a suspicion that it was me, but I want him to say it.

"Well." He grinned mischievously. "You need to figure it out, then get back to me to confirm it. And it's better be soon." He picked up Max and cradle it like a baby. "Or I will go gay if she doesn't acknowledge that she feels the same way about me." With that, he walked down the hill, to the Cole's house.


I know this is rushed and not enough detail, and probably has many mistakes, so DON'T SAY SHIT!

I've had a really stressful week :/ And JLO rushed me xD. That's why it's dedicated to her!

Anyway, you know the drill, comment, vote, fan, and add to your library!

Who do you think Airlia should end up with? 'Cause I still have no idea :P Well, I actually do, but I'm wondering if everyone thinks it? And do you really think Lawson's gay? And what the fuck is Addy's plan? So many questions, so little time to answer all xD

Song for today is "If You Only Knew" by Savannah Outen. She's such an ah-maz-ing singer! And she's from Oregon :P OREGON REPRESENT!

You Pretend You're Gay... Why?(On Hold-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now