💧⛰️ 13 🔥🌀

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Do you prefer having (y/n) instead of having a set name? I just used Lucy because it's easier to write since it's going to be a longer story. So feel free to just put in another name if you want  😊



I couldn't help the smirk as Steve jumped out of the jet. Teasing him about girls was quite fun. I might make it a thing.
Taking and attaching my parachute, I and the rest of Rumelow's team jumped right after him. From up here, we were able to watch Steve taking out every man on that ship. I huffed slightly, annoyed. He's getting all the fun.

Finding my way around the ship wasn't too hard as I studied a map in preparation for this mission. Though Steve was always so on edge, asking over and over again if I was in my position.

"Hang on!" I shouted into the comm on my wrist.

The man in front of me turned around, but I already jumped and pressed my Widow Bites against his neck, taking him out. Rolling forward on the ground in a fluent movement, I blocked another's attack and crashed down a baton against his head. I bet he's going to have a good sleep now and a mean headache later when he wakes up. I smirked and made my way through the ship while giving Steve an update on my status.

"Okay, tell me when you're finished because we might need you up here!"

Oh, Steve... always putting so much faith and trust in your comrades... Though it's exactly what I admired about him. The way he trusted people and believed in their good. Still, it's safer to be wary of everyone. You can't truly trust other people because eventually they might still betray you, even the one's you believe are your closest friends.
I mean, it's not like I didn't want to help him, but I had a personal mission on my own to fulfill, and the guys were fully capable of making it on their own.

I had to get further down where I met one of the terrorists. A young boy with blonde hair. He didn't notice me at all as I came to a stop right behind him. I smirked when he turned around.

"Ahoy, sailor."

He froze, not expecting me to be here, and I didn't give him any time to react. As quick as possible, I grabbed my grappling hook, wrapped it around his neck, and by doing a back flip, I let myself fall down, using his weight to hold me. I shot anyone who was in my way, and soon I finished what Steve wanted me to do down here. Now, it was really time to make progress on my own task. Sorry, Steve...



The three of us were tied to a chair somewhere inside their secret base. I made sure to memorize every little detail like Nat taught me to so it would be easier to find a way out later.

The room was dimly lit, and its atmosphere was similar to an interrogation room mixed with that warehouse vibe... the one I met Natasha at for the first time. Stains covered the floor, especially near the walls, telling me water found its way inside. What freaked me out a little, though, were thick spiderwebs hanging from the ceiling. I hated these little devils on eight legs to the point I'd burn the whole house just to get rid of them.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me alone. but I didn't think you'd make it so easy, Iron Fist. I thought there's more to you." The old lady said, addressing only Danny.

I furrowed my brows at the name she gave him. I looked at my friend who was on the right. He definitely sensed my gaze but wouldn't return it.

Turning my attention over to Colleen, who sat next to Danny, I noticed she didn't seem so surprised. In fact, she gave me that look... telling me exactly she knew more than I did this whole time.
Raising an eyebrow, I made a mental note to myself to ask them later about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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