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Lucy and Thor have to deal with the Hulk but also with Loki. Also, they're going to lose someone.

Warning: character death



It was kind of nice to get to know this soft side of Nat. It's not what I'd expect to happen. But I guess being chased by the Hulk was scary... even for a trained assassin.

I could hear Hulk and Thor fighting, and I should probably assist the God of Thunder somehow.

Biting my lip, I tried to gently push Nat away from me but she just tightened her grip. This felt a little awkward now...

"It's Barton! He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy it?"

It was Fury who talked through the earpiece. Nat's mood changed immediately when she heard that. Without paying me attention, she stepped away, masking all her emotions. She touched her earpiece.

"This is Agent Romanoff. I copy." She said and ran for Barton, leaving me behind.

I felt like an idiot... standing here like that... watching her run.

"Thanks, Lucy, for being my shoulder to cry on..." I joked, "You're welcome, Nat, I'd do it again..." I continued sarcastically before remembering Thor might need help.


Entering the room they were in, I saw both of them moving around like two boxers in a ring. They were waiting for the other to make a move.

Hulk was the first to throw a punch. He missed. Thor swung his massive hand and almost knocked Hulk off his feet.

Woah... What strength.. But I guess it's normal if you're literally a God.

Hulk kept swinging and missing, which pissed him off.

Quickly, I looked around, trying to use our environment to stop Hulk. My eyes stop at some chains hanging from the ceiling. It looked like they were used to lift heavy things. They had a hook attached to the ends. Hm... Might work.

Collecting my strength, I summoned a strong blast of air, making Hulk stumble backward, not close enough to the chains, though.

"We are not your enemies, Banner! try to think!" Thor tried to reason with him.

"He doesn't listen..." I stated.

"Too bad... Any ideas, Little One? Nice blow, by the way."

"I do have a plan. I'm not sure if it works, though... See those chains over there? Maybe we can trap him...?" I suggested not knowing what else to do. "Also, call me Lucy, please." I added.

Stark calling me Kid was enough.

"Alright, Lady Lucy, I like the way you're thinking." Thor answered.

Thor started throwing several punches at Hulk. The beast went further backward but suddenly wailed around to grab and rip out a pipe to swing it at both of us.

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