13. 🔞

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"Yes dad! Yeah I know!!!" Jungkook wants to scream down the phone, his anger levels rising as he struggles to pull up his skin tight, black, ripped skinny jeans!

He flicks his phone to loud speaker as he rolls his eyes and throws it on his bed; "dad! Dad, I'm going to have to go... I've got to meet my friends soon, I'm..."

He's cut off again by his dad's loud dominating voice; "listen to me son! I know you think everything is just for fun and games... just for the shit! for a laugh, but I'm trying to warn you of a very important, upcoming contract!"

Jungkook sighs, shoving his fingers into his eyes, "and I'm trying to tell you dad, that I'm very aware of it... my new assistant is on top of everything! Now I really must go!"

Jungkook hovers his finger over the 'end call' button but hears his dad cough; "I'll see you soon at Christmas anyway son!"

"Oh that... yeah, yeah see you!" Jungkook quickly ends the call before he has a stress induced heart attack at such a young age!

He slips his phone into his back pocket, heads out of his bedroom and to the hallway, slipping his feet into a pair of massive, black, chunky boots.

As he zips up the right foot, his phone vibrating against his ass cheek interrupts him again; however, he pulls it out quickly in the hope that maybe it's you, maybe you've got something to tell him after being out with your friend or, his eyes roll out of the back of his head when he sees a text from his dad!

Dad: 'You know Christmas is important to Su! So I expect you as previously discussed!'

Jungkook doesn't even reply, once again shoving his phone in his back pocket and heads out the door!


"She must be fucking hot if he took her home like thirty minutes after he met her in the fucking bar! You know how particular he is!" Taehyung laughs as Jungkook watched on from next to him.

He has a flashback of that night when he first met you; he was with a work colleague instead of his mates, the reason they're so curious about you now.

He's sat around the table in this bar restaurant with his group of friends; Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin.

He loves them all to death!

"You're right there Tae!" Jimin agrees knocking Jungkook's arm with his elbow, "...so, is she? Have you seen her since?"

Jungkook scrapes a hand through his hair glancing around the table at his friends; "I kind of must be the luckiest man alive right now because... she's my new assistant!"

His group of friends jaws just drop to the floor; "she's what?" Jin squeals.

"Okay guys calm the fuck down! I don't want the whole fucking world knowing about my business you know!"

His friends just giggle.

"This deserves another drink!" Yoongi smiles waving over a waitress, asking for another round.

The drinks flow, they're drinking more than they'd originally planned, but they're not drunk, not yet.

"So... Jungkook? You still off for Christmas, to your dad's place?" Jimin smiles softly, a seriousness passing over his face.

"Yeah, he fucking phoned me this evening before I left to come here, badgering me about some shit contract and that he'll see me at Christmas!"

"You don't wanna go?" Jin asks.

TATTOOS & PIERCINGS 🔞 [book 1]✔️Where stories live. Discover now