"I'm fine, but a little stuck. Any chance you can get me out of here?"

Esme and Kara tried to push the debris off of Fyn but weren't successful. "We can't in our current condition." They heard footsteps coming towards the diner and turned to look at the entrance. "He's coming."

"None of you two would happen to have your armor nearby?" asked Fyn.

"Mine is back at base," answered Kara.

"Mine is in my truck," answered Esme. "Outside where our enemy is. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it without being seen first."

"Leave that up to me," said Kara. "I'll distract him. I'll try to lead him away and give you time to armor up."

"Be careful," said Esme before Kara snuck off.

The armored man was almost at the entrance door when Kara came out of the dust and pushed him back. The move caught the man by surprise as he almost fell back. Kara swung a piece of a table's leg at his head but he brought up his armored arm, blocking the attack and shattering the wooden leg.

Kara twirled around the man and ran into the street. She was a good distance away from him when he turned to face her. He had his arm-cannon aimed at her.

"Kara Saud," said the man.

"Do I know you?" yelled Kara.

"Not yet, but everyone will soon. What happened to your squadmates?"

"I'm the only one still standing," yelled Kara from across the street. "Why don't you come face me."

"Is that so," said the man before aiming his arm-cannon back at the diner and blasting the rest of the ceiling back down. "That's just to make sure."

Kara glared at her enemy. "Who the hell even are you and what do you have against us?"

The man used both of his hands to take off his helmet, revealing a dark skinned man around his forties. He was covered in sweat and had a scowl to match Kara. "I'm Lin Crespo and I think it's time for the countries of this world to govern themselves once again." He brought up his arm-cannon and blasted at Kara.

Kara jumped out of the way and went into a sprint down the street. Lin Crespo took chase, but with his armor he had no chance of keeping up.

"Run like the coward you are," yelled Lin Crespo.

Kara stopped and turned to look towards Lin Crespo. "I'm not sure if you noticed but you kinda have an unfair advantage. What other choice do I have but to run?"

Lin Crespo had his cannon arm aimed at Kara as he slowly approached. "You're a world military leader. The best of the best. I believe this is a fair enough fight."

Kara watched Lin Crespo carefully, looking for any weakness in his armor. It was hard to tell considering the armor already looked beat up. Maybe she would be able to take him down herself, but first she would have to get close enough for an attack. "I don't think this is a fair fight. I'm unharmed while you have a whole world military armor."

Lin Crespo brought down his arm-cannon. "You think this is world military armor?"

"Clearly it's inspired by our armor. We don't have a cannon arm, but the body type is the same as our spartan armor."

Lin Crespo had a disgusted look on his face. "Okay, maybe I took the inspiration for my armor from yours, but this isn't a world military armor. This is an anti world military armor.... It's a freedom armor."

Kara couldn't help but roll her eyes. "The planet finally has freedom and here you are fighting against the people upholding it."

"Oh please. This isn't real freedom. The world under one government. You think a princess of Saudi Arabia would understand that."

"I understand you're crazy."

Lin Crespo brought out a large blade as he got closer to Kara. "I'll tell you what. I'll take you out with a weapon you recognize instead of with my improvement." He said as he gestured at his arm-cannon.

"Oh if you want to get to me, you're going to have to get through her first," said Kara as she gestured behind him.

"What are you talking about?" said Lin Crespo as he turned around just in time to see a fist strike his left cheek. He almost fell to the ground, but managed to stay on his feet as he swung his blade at the person who struck him. The person easily dodged the blade by taking a step back. "Who?" he said.

Lin Crespo focused his vision and quickly recognized the purple world military armor of Esme Cyr. Unlike his armor, Esme's armor was clean and shiny. The violet color was regal matching her position of power.

"The captain," said Lin Crespo.

"And you're the idiot who decided to attack the world military leaders at their home territory," said Esme as she pulled out her sword. "Are you suicidal or something?"

"Not suicidal. Righteous." Lin Crespo got into a fighting stance and Esme did the same.

"I'm only going to say this once," said Esme. "Surrender now or I can't promise you'll survive this."

"The one who's not going to survive this is you."

Lin Crespo went forward, his sword high before swinging down at Esme. She took a step away as the sword came down in front of her. Lin Crespo continued on with the assault as Esme ducked and weaved from every single attack. Any time Lin Crespo got close to connecting a strike, Esme reflected the attack away.

The fight caused a crowd to gather and watch. Kara also stayed nearby just in case her captain needed support. The battle was an impressive sight to watch but it was Esme who controlled the fight.

Lin Crespo was tiring himself out while Esme stood strong. He took one mighty swing at Esme who sidestepped and tripped him down to the ground. Lin Crespo fell hard and dropped his sword.

"Do you surrender now?" asked Esme as she stood behind Lin Crespo who laid on the ground face down.

"Never," said Lin Crespo as he quickly turned around and aimed his arm-cannon at Esme, but before he could fire, she cut his cannon arm off. He let out a scream of agony when Esme knocked him out with the hilt of her sword.

The crowd let out a loud cheer, startling Esme. She turned to the crowd she had no idea were watching. She gave them an awkward wave as Kara and Fyn approached.

"Nice job there, captain," said Kara.

"Fyn," said Esme as she gave him a hug. "You're okay. How did you get out?"

"Some of the civilians helped pull the debris off of me." Fyn pulled away from his cousin. "You did great by the way."

"Thanks, golden boy."

"Oh, you're seriously going to make that a thing."


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