1: Exploring the isle

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N/A HELLOOO just to clarify I don't know everything about those two characters personalities because I still haven't passed the time skip :D English is not my first language so there might be spelling mistakes! Enjoy reading <3


I slowly open my eyes, letting them get used to the new environment around me. God my body is aching. Looking around, I realize I'm not in Sabaody anymore. Instead of all those weird bubble trees and fancy buildings, the area is completely covered in jungle trees and thick plants. The branches must've slowed my fall.

What happened again? Oh right, I was helping Luffy, who was fighting Kuma, then I somehow ended up getting slapped so hard it sent me flying across the Grand Line. I'll have to come up with a plan quickly, or else my crew might think im dead.

Best thing to do first would be to explore the island, since Im not familiar with it at all. I stand up and begin walking where plants and trees allow me to pass without tearing my clothes off.

The air is humid and the bright sun is mostly hidden by the gigantic trees. I notice many dozens of flower chains hanging from the branches, giving this whole place a pleasant tropical look. While taking a few steps, I feel the firm and soft leaves and moss carpet under my feet.

Birds could be heard in the distance as well as water flowing, I felt in a calm paradise.

After a few hours of admiring the beauty of nature and making sure I was alone on the isle, I decide to find a place to build a shelter. I stumbled upon a spot next to a tiny waterfall, close to the shore. I strayed by choosing which materials would be used for my shelter. It was easier than expected, since the branches were so common on the ground. I somehow managed to build a pretty acceptable hut, and even crafted a bed with tree leaves.

My stomach told me it was time to eat, so I went to get some food. Fruits were hanging from bushes and plants by hundreds, and I even caught some fishes in a nearby river. Maybe life in the middle of a jungle wasn't so bad after all. Then I remembered Bepo and the others. I hope they're doing fine, the crew is probably panicking right now.

The sun was setting, telling me it was time to get some rest. I headed to my hut and took off my clothes, hanging them on a branch. I felt absolutely exhausted and felt asleep the moment my head touched my pillow.

A loud noise woke me up suddenly. The sun rays entering inside my hut told me it was already morning. What could've caused such a sound? Maybe a tree fell? Maybe an animal? No, it was like someone fell from the sky and exploded on the surface of the island.

I put my pants on and ran through the jungle, looking for the source of all this mess.

I gasped when I heard cussing in the distance.

Fucking hell! Again? This motherfucking paw man is gonna pay! Fucking shit!

That voice was.. strangely familiar. Paw man? Was the man referring to Kuma? He probably got the same punishment as me, I see no other answer. I quickly ran through the trees, using the cussing as a guide. Before reaching the man, I hid behind a big rock, we never know his intentions. Squinting my eyes, I identified the person.

Eustass-ya?? Why on earth are you here?? If I knew it was him who was about to land here, I would've kicked his ass before it could touch the ground.

The red haired man stared at me in confusion and fell on his back.

What do you think? Kuma sent me flying here. Now where the fuck am I, and why are you half naked?  He frowned his eyebrows and spat in the moss.

His bright red hair were an absolute mess, and his goggles lenses were broken, not to mention the bruises all over his body. I was quite lucky, trees were there to slow down my fall. Kid simply crashed into the ground.

Well, that's a good question. I landed here yesterday and built a shelter. Follow me, I'll show you.

Kid didn't seem enchanted at all by my offer, but he soon realized his current health state wouldn't allow him to survive a single day alone out there. He grumbled something inaudible and followed me into the jungle.

We walked for a few minutes, while I answered his questions about the island. As soon as we arrived to the hut, I pointed the tiny river and waterfall.

If I were you, I would clean up my wounds, you don't want them to get infected.

He looked at me in an annoyed look and took off his shirt.

DON'T UNDRESS IN FRONT OF ME, IDIOT! If being stupid was a job, Kid would be the CEO. I would've welcomed anyone else on this island, but him. Of course it was him who had to get slapped by the paw man and magically land in the same place as me.

The tulip head walked away and sat next to the flowing water, dipping his hands and splashing his arms. Now I was stuck alone with this asshole on this island, great.

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