"You don't have to tell us that," said Harusuke. "One thing's for sure; Jadeite's got a massive bone to pick with us. So what are 'gonna do?"

"We go!" said Rei immediately. "Whenever evil issues a challenge, we must rise to confront it!"

"But we'd be walking right into a trap," pointed out Ami.

"Maybe you're right, Ami, but even so, we have to!" said Rei.

"What do you think, Usagi?" asked Luna.

"We should go and fight the bad guys, right?" Rei asked Usagi.

"No, wait, we should come with a plan first," interjected Ami.

Usagi pondered and thought until she finally spoke. "Well, I say... I'm too scared, and I honestly don't want to go at all."

Harusuke, Rei, Ami, and even Harusuke all fell over in surprise.

"What kind of response is that, you chicken?!" snapped Rei indignantly.

"Now, now. Take it easy, Rei," soothed Harusuke calming her down. "To be perfectly honest, I have no idea how we should act on this either. On the one hand, you're right; we can't just stand by and do nothing. But, on the other hand, Ami's right too. There's a strong possibility that Jadeite's got a trap waiting for us. So no matter what we do, Jadeite's got something planned, which means that there's only one thing we can do right now."

"And what's that Harusuke?" asked Luna.

"Go home, get some sleep, and prepare ourselves," said Harusuke. "That way, we'll have some time to think, and we'll be at full strength. At least that's what I think anyway."

The girls stared at Harusuke, then Luna sighed. "I hate to say this, but Harusuke's right," she said. "We should all go home and try to rest up."

"Yeah. I agree," said Ami. "We should all try to rest up and prepare. Good call Harusuke."

"Unlike a certain meatball-head we all know," mumbled Rei.

"What'd you say?!" growled Usagi.

"Enough, you two," sighed Luna. "Let's go home and get some sleep. Make sure you're all ready for the battle."

Everyone nodded, and then they all went to their respective homes to get some sleep.


The next day, Usagi and Harusuke went to school just as they always have. However, when they entered the classroom, they found that their classmates were all huddled around a radio listening in on a news broadcast talking about Jadeite's challenge last night.

"Last night, a mysterious figure had suddenly appeared in the sky," the radio said. "Authorities believe the strange image was projected into the atmosphere as a part of malicious prank to frighten the public. However, the police plan to station officers over at Hanada Airport tomorrow night, so they will be ready to protect Tokyo from any dangers that might arise."

The whole classroom became abuzz with excitement.

"Whoa... that sounds awesome!" said a boy.

"We should go to Hanada Airport too!" said another.

"Yeah! Let's check it out!" said a third. "I wanna see some action!"

"Oh great, just when you think things couldn't get any more complicated," muttered Harusuke.

"This is going to be a problem," said Luna from the windowsill and hiding behind Usagi and Harusuke. "If these kids come to the airport, they could get caught in the crossfire."

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now