Chapter 1. Sisters (Brief Sexual Content)

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This story is grittier and more violent than my other stories.  Although MCU characters are used, this is an alternate universe and those characters are used in mostly different contexts.  All original characters and the plot are my own creation.  If there is any similarity to characters or plots in other works it is by coincidence. 

The first chapter introduces fraternal twin sisters Natalie and Amber, the latter in a noticeably toxic relationship with security consultant Brock Rumlow.  The actresses (Alicia Vikander and Emilie de Ravin) whose pictures will portray the sisters were chosen for their physical looks, and in Natalie's case the range of emotions portrayed as she will develop symptoms of PTSD later.


Natalie Madison exited the jet at JFK in New York dragging her carry on bag behind her.  It had been almost a year since she had seen her twin Amber, on their birthday when the whole family got together to celebrate Christmas.  Natalie was born just before midnight on December 25 and Amber born 10 minutes later on December 26.  It made for a lot of jokes growing up, twin sisters whose birthdates were different.  They looked different as well.  Natalie was tall, dark haired and dark eyed while Amber was a good eight inches shorter, blonde and blue eyed.  All through school they divulged they were fraternal twins born around the midnight hour to explain the differences.  In many ways it had helped each of them with their own individuality.  Still, they were as close as twins could be and had spent many happy hours together when they grew up.

Amber had asked Natalie to spend Thanksgiving with her in New York knowing that this Christmas season would be a tough one for her.  In February, almost two years previous, Natalie survived a car accident without injury that had killed her husband John and their 3 year old daughter Lucy.  The previous year's Christmas at her parent's house had been a disaster.  Everything reminded her of John and Lucy.  She spent much of her time in her room, crying.  Amber had suggested coming to New York so they could go to see some tapings of shows, take in a Broadway musical or two and hit the clubs for old times sake.  Amber lived with her boyfriend Brock, a private security consultant.  According to her he was tall, ruggedly handsome, and wealthy enough that she didn't have to work if she didn't want to.  Natalie never thought Amber would be the type to search out a sugar daddy and didn't want to judge her twin but part of her wanted to check this guy out and see if he was the right guy for her sister. 

When she came through the exit gate out to the airport lobby she heard an excited squeal and then saw Amber running through the crowd towards her.  With a burst of energy Amber grabbed her taller twin and hugged her hard.

"Look at you," said Amber excitedly.  "I always seem to be getting shorter and you always seem to be getting taller Natty.  You look great.  Do you have luggage?"

"Just the carry on," replied Natalie.

"Great," said Amber.  "You're going to love this next part."

They stepped outside the terminal to where a very big black SUV with tinted windows waited.  Amber opened the door and got inside.  A very big blonde bearded man appeared at Natalie's elbow and took her bag, putting it in the trunk.  He waited until she was in then closed the passenger door, got into the driver's side, put his seatbelt on and asked them to do the same.

"This is Trent," said Amber.  "He's one of Brock's best drivers.  He'll get us home safely."

Natalie looked at Trent and could see he was wearing a security earpiece with the coiled wire snaking down into his collar.  He touched the earpiece, said they were en route and started driving.  He never said anything after that but occasionally looked back at Amber and Natalie.  Her sister hadn't stopped talking since Trent pulled away from the loading zone but Natalie had barely heard a word she said.  Amber finally noticed her sister wasn't listening and touched her arm.

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