Chapter 9: A New Principle

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I placed my bag in my locker. I grabbed my Astronomy textbook, my notebook, and my pencil. I closed my locker roughly, before turning to look at Brooklyn. "I'll see you later" I smiled nervously, waving. I walked towards my first class of the day.

"Good morning Mr. Roberts" I mumbled, to the astronomy teacher sitting at his desk. He was a plump balding man, though he had some hair it was only around the sides. He had no hair on the top of his head.

Mr. Roberts waved a small stubby had in my direction. His eyes never left his computer screen where he typed so furiously. I rolled my eyes then continued walking to my seat. He was probably typing to his ex wife who was also an English teacher, again. I'm not sure why they both insist on teaching at the same school still.

The bell rang, making kids file into classrooms more quickly. They came in being as obnoxiously annoying as they had been in the hallways. I glared at my book as I plopped it onto my desk.

In five short minutes, the tardy bell rang. "Good morning class. I have a few announcements" Mr Roberts spoke loudly over the few kids still  talking. He stood up from his desk, then walked to stand in front of it. He leaned against his desk, with a look of complete agitation. He pushed his big circle glasses up higher onto his nose. He looked around the class, folding his arms. He stared at students that kept talking, until the room was completely silent. The last person to walk in took his seat next to me, Mr Roberts glared at him the longest.

"Okay, first, today is the homecoming game. We are playing here against North Side. The game is scheduled to start at 7:00. The tickets to get into the game are 5 dollars a person, unless you are a cheerleader or on the football team, in which case, you will get in free. There will not be any other circumstances for a free ticket. Any questions so far?" He asked loudly.

He looked around the room slowly. When nobody raised their hand to ask a question, he pushed himself away from the desk. "Perfect. The next announcement, is that we have a new principle. He has spent the last week training for the job. Even though I have been here 30 years, they still proceeded to hire a man who has no idea what he's doing. His name is Principal Harris." Said Mr Roberts, his face reddened with anger.

As he told us this shall piece of information, my stomach churned a bit. I want sure if our new principle was Chad. Was it even possible?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked back towards Mr Roberts. "And our last announcement for the day, pull out a pencil, clear your desks, we are taking a test" he turned his back to the class. He picked a stack of papers up off of his desk, before turning to look at the class again.

I placed my books under underneath my chair. "Pst" I heard from next to me. I looked over to see a bit about my age. He had short curly hair, hazel eyes, he was buff, a strong jaw, and a bit of a mustache growing. I've never seen him before.

"Hi, my name is Tom." He smiled after a couple seconds. "We can always introduce ourselves to the pretty girl after class." Mr Roberts insisted after passing me my test. "Sorry sir, I was trying to ask her for a pencil" Tom explained. "There's a cup full of them on my desk, please don't bother Ms Wood while she tests. She's one of my best students and I would like to keep it that way, Mr Fortin."

Tom stood quietly and grabbed a pencil out of the cup. Mr Roberts finished handing out the tests. They met each other on the way back to their seats. The smiled at each other but said nothing. They say back at their desks. I looked down at my test. Panic started to build up. I forgot to study.

I have been so focused on the homecoming game tonight. I rubbed my forehead a bit harshly as I reread the first question. Science was my best subject, it always has been. I could hear a clock ticking in my head, the pressure was building. I could feel my head start to get a bit sweaty even though it was really cold in the cheer uniform.

A long hour later, the bell rang to end class. "Please leave your tests on my desk" Mr Roberts called, as the class began to file out. I pulled my books from under my chair. "Victoria, right?" Tom asked, making me jump.

I looked up at him, reaching for my bag. When I remembered I left it in the locker, I mentally slapped myself. "Didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled lightly.

"Look, I know who and what you are. I know what's happening at the game, and I know that you're trusting somebody you shouldn't" he whispered. I started at him dumbfounded. "I'm on you're side. You'll see it tonight I promise" he whispered again, before walking away. I stared after him. What does that even mean?

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