Chapter One: What?!

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"Victoria Maria!" Ashton, my twin brother yelled. I jumped awake and fell out of bed, landing on the floor. "Ow" I grumbled rubbing my head and lifting myself up off the carpet. I looked over at my brother who was laughing so hard that he needed to hold on to the door for support.

"Get out of my room" I said. Glaring at him, I picked my pillow up and threw it at him. He closed the door in time for my pillow to hit the door. I could still hear him laughing as he walked down the hall.

I walked over and picked my pillow up. I tossed it onto my bed as I walked to my closet.

What does a sixteen year old girl wear on her first day of Eleventh grade?

After trying on a few options, I decided on a simple pair of blue skinny jeans and a gray sweat shirt. I laced up my black high tops and pulled my hair into a messy bun. Feeling too lazy to put on makeup, I decided just a bit of mascara would be fine.

After I finished getting ready I grabbed my back pack and my car keys. "Victoria. Thank you." Braxton, my oldest brother, said as he snatched my car keys and held them up high.

"Braxton! Give me my keys!" I groaned, annoyingly. I jumped for my keys and he laughed "Still a bit short I see" he grinned as he finally gave them back. I knew I was short, being five foot one wasn't a life style choice. "I love you, kiddo. Have a good day" said Braxton. He walked to the kitchen and I made my way outside, not feeling in the mood to eat breakfast.

I walked out to my maroon colored pickup truck. I opened the door and threw my bag into the back seat as I climbed into the driver seat. I started the truck and began my drive to pick up my best friend.


The school day went by slower than any other first day, in the history of ever! The bell to go home finally rang and I made my way to my locker.

"Ria!" A familiar voice shouted. I looked toward the voice and saw it was Brooklyn, my best friend. She looked completely exhausted. "Sorry. Track. Running. Miles" she managed to say between breaths. I chuckled and pulled my bag from my locker. "Get some water, dude." I laughed and just as I said it, a colorful metal water bottle appeared in my locker, right next to my books.

Brooklyn must have seen it to since her breathing became a lot quieter. "How did..." She began to ask but quickly stopped, as if she didn't really want to know. "What are you two up to?" Ashton asked, practically appearing out of nowhere. I slammed my locker closed and turned quickly to look at him.

He cocked an eyebrow and looked from me to Brooklyn. "What did you do this time?" Ashton sighed. "Nothing!" We exclaimed. "Sure, that's not suspicious at all. Anyway, Andrew and I are going to the diner, wanna come?" He asked sounding excited his eyes beaming with joy.

The diner was a place that the four of us would usually hangout. It's been 'our spot' since my parents died in a plane crash two years ago.

"Y'all just want a ride" I rolled my eyes and he nodded in agreement. "Fine but we can't be there forever. I have to babysit for the Robinsons at 6" I said looking at my watch. It was only 2:30, we would have plenty of time.

"We will meet you girls at the truck" he said and began running down the hall, towards what I assume is his locker.

I looked back at my locker, thinking about the water. Did I do it? How would I even be able to do something like that? There was an explanation but at this moment, I have no idea what it is.

"Let's go" Brooklyn said throwing her arm over my shoulder. I laughed since she was shorter than me and had a hard time. We walked out of the school and to  my truck, where we would meet my brother and his best friend.

Not as it seemsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें