Chapter 2: Um... No

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We'd been at the diner for a bit of time. We were all almost ready to go. Which was good since it was nearly 4 o'clock. "I wish I could get a refill on my Dr pepper before we left" Ashton sighed and began to stand up. Just as he said it, his Dr pepper refilled itself. My eyes widened and I looked around the table. Everyone had the same reaction as I had.

"Did that...?" Andrew started.
"Can you both do that?" Brooklyn asked looking at me and Ashton.

I looked at Ashton and he looked at me, both of us looking terrified.

We paid for our meals and began to leave. He didn't even end up drinking his soda. He was probably still terrified, and honestly I don't blame him. I felt the same way.

On the drive home I called the Robinsons and cancelled. I told them I wasn't feeling well, which isn't completely a lie. I dropped Andrew off and took Brooklyn home too.

The whole drive back home, neither Ashton nor I said a single word to each other. I finally pulled into the drive way and turned the car off. Both of us stared at our house in front of us. Neither of us knew what to say next. After the days events, I think it would be shocking if we did know what to say.

I cleared my throat and climbed out of the car. Walking inside we were both met with the smell of smoke and burning food. "Braxton?!" I yelled panicking. Ashton quickly ran into the kitchen.

I ran into the living room and saw him with his head in his hands on the couch. "Brax?" I slowly sat next to him. I put my hand on his back, waiting for him to look up. He looked at me, his face covered in tears.

"What's wrong, Brax?" I asked. "I knew what today was but I forgot! I haven't prepared you at all! You've probably both figured it out yourself without any training! I don't know how mom and dad were even able to train me" he raised his voice, upset with himself. He stood up and began pacing the living room.

Ashton walked in, leaning against the wall he stared at Braxton confused. "What are you going on about?" Ash asked trying to catch up.

"Your powers for heaven sake!" Braxton yelled.


That night I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Braxton knew this whole time? He said mom and dad trained him so did that mean they had power too? Wait... Braxton has powers?! The more I thought about Braxton knowing magic, the more it made sence.

The thoughts swarming my brain eventually became too much. I climbed out of bed and put some shoes on. I grabbed my phone and wallet, climbing out my window. It was almost 2 am, nobody would know I left.

Once on the ground I started running down the street. A couple houses down I finally slowed to a normal walk. Just because I wouldn't get caught didn't mean it was cool to test my luck.

Braxton told us that training would start tomorrow. How would he train us? Did we need wands like in the movies? Was this anything like the movies. I feel like they were less stressed in the movies.

"What's someone as pretty as you doing out so late and all alone?" A male voice said making me look up. "Just out for a walk" I said. I looked around and realized I had been walking for a while. I was now in the not so great part of town.
"Want me to show you around?" The man smirked. He looked mid to late twenty's and very creepy. Actually creepy was quite an understatement.

"I know who you are. I've been waiting for you" he laughed. "Um... No" I scoffed and turned around. I began walking back in the direction of home. He grabbed my wrist, making my stop.

I gasped in surprise and looked back at him. His grip was tight on my arm. "I don't remember saying you could leave" he sighed. "I'm enjoying your company" he smirked at me.

"That's a one sided feeling" I said trying to pull my arm from his grasp. "That's no way to treat a man you just met" he gasped pretending to be offended.

"Yes it is" I said in annoyance. I finally was able to pull my arm free. I began running and I heard him follow hot on my heel.

I felt my heart rasing as I came to the realization that I had no idea how to get home. I couldn't stop running though. I can't let that man catch up to me. I didn't want to find out what would happen if he did catch me. I don't want to find out why he's been waiting for me.

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