Chapter Two

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Oh. My. Gosh. I can't believe it. It's really her. The girl with the black as coal hair. The girl who was my 'mommy'. No way it can be her! Especially when she's this famous. I've never meant her in my whole life,  so why is that same face that I've seen every night, for a month, looking back at me.

"May I help you." She says. I snap out of my thoughts and look straight at her. When I look at her, it feels like my heart just stopped. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes  on, if that's even possible! Okay I need to say something now, before she kicks me out.

"U-um yes. I'm Al-llyah Foster and I'm here t-to interview you for a class assignment." She looks at me for a minute, then a bright smile stretches across her face.

"Oh yes, George told me you would be here. I'm glad you're on time." She stands up and walks in front of her desk."Please, take a seat." She says, pointing to the chair in front of her. I just nod and go and sit down.

I take out the list of questions that I wrote and my favorite pink pen. I get myself situated, trying to calm down my nerves. I look up and see her looking at me, still smiling.

"Ok, Ms. Stevens-"

"Call me Kyla." She interrupts me. I swallowed hard.

"O-ok, um Kyla. What made want to own an airplane company?"

"My dad was a pilot, I rode on a lot of planes with him when was younger. They also fascinated me. I wanted to be apart them, but I knew I couldn't be a pilot and I can't build anything if my life depended on it, so I decided to own one."

"How come you couldn't be a pilot?" She smirks at my questions.

"Knowing I have over a hundred people live's in my hands, is not my cup of tea." That's makes a lot of sense.

"Yes of course," Dammit! Why I am I so nervous.

"Why don't I ask you some questions." She says, sitting in the seat next to me.

"Why would you want to do that?" Like really, have you not seen!?

"Because I get asked questions all the time, and for someone as beautiful as you, your story should be told." She places her hand on my arm and it sends shock waves through my body. I have NEVER felt like this before. I've only been on her for like ten minutes and she's doing things to me.

"Um I really don't have a story to tell." I say.

"Sure you do, everyone has one." I'm about to say something, but the door opens. In walks a annoyingly peppy Sylvia.

"Ms.Stevens, sorry to interrupt, but John Frazier is here for the transfer meeting." She says. Kyla curses under her breathe, her smile quickly diminishing.

"Thank you Sylvia, lead him to the board room and tell him that I'll be there in five minutes." She says.

"Yes ma'am." With that, she walks out. Kyla then turns to me.

"I'm very sorry Allyah, I forgot that I had a meeting today and this is for a very important client." She say with a sad face. Great! Every time something is getting good, it always gets ruined!

"It's fine, we can just do it another day." I say with a smile, even though I'm very upset.

"I hope so too." She smiles back. "Come on, I'll walk you out." I nod and start packing up my stuff.

I stand up and we both walk at the room.

The walk to the elevator is very quiet, but I good quiet. I can't feel Kyla's eyes on me the whole time, but I don't dare to look up. One because she's like six feet tall and so that makes me feel small, and two, this woman intimidates the hell out of me!  So I just look straight hoping this walk will end soon.

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