Chapter 63 - And nothing mattered then except for you and I

Start from the beginning

Emboldened by this, Allegra locked her fingers with Dean's. She made sure not to look away from his beautiful golden-edged eyes and moved. The fabric of his jeans felt rough as she made her hips sway back and forth. But it didn't hurt. On the contrary, it only enticed her further. 
When Allegra heard Dean suppress a grunt and felt a bulge growing underneath her, she slowed her movements. She pulled Dean up to her. Their faces were inches away from each other, but they didn't kiss. Allegra let go of his hands, trailing the tip of her fingers up to his shoulders. She let them slip into his shirt to remove it from his body and threw it aside, away from the bed.
Dean put his right hand on her thigh. She shivered at his touch and averted her gaze, breaking eye contact, but Dean wouldn't have it. He raised her chin with his left hand, making her look at him again. 

"Keep going."

Encouraged by this, Allegra moved back on his lap and sat up straight on her knees. She loosened the button of his pants and the zipper. Her hands trembled when she lowered his waistline. Dean shuffled back so she could take off his jeans. The only thing still on that gorgeous body was a pair of black briefs. But they barely managed to contain his erection.

"Those too."

She met Dean's questioning stare. Her throat was dry. And her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest at any time. 

"Dean, take them off," said Allegra.

She felt her knees go weak as Dean finally revealed his naked body. Her mind took her back to the night of their birthday. There'd been kissing, touching, some casual but mostly unintentional grinding but no more. She had felt him, but she had never actually seen him. The room had been so dark when he had carried her in, and they had covered themselves up with the sheets almost immediately.
But now, the light on the bedside table was still on, and they were lying on top of the white sheets. She saw all of him, just like he had seen all of her. And what she saw was beautiful.

"Seeing something you like?"

Allegra blushed and pressed her lips together at his grin. Dammit, she hated he had this effect on her. She was a bad-ass, plague-wielding hybrid Archangel, yet Dean could make her feel like a love-sick teenager all over again. Time to put him in his place.
She crawled up between his legs. He was still sitting up, leaning back on his hands, but let her push him down. Her red hair fell like a curtain at the side of her face as she lowered herself onto him. The winged Heart of the Ocean dangled between them. 

"I wanna try a couple of things," said Allegra in a slightly quivering voice. "You just lie still, okay?"

Dean nodded in reply. She smiled at him and let her lips touch his. Very gently at first. Then more urgently. Soon enough, their kiss became heated. Allegra took the opportunity of having Dean distracted to reach for the drawer of the bedside table from which she took out the lube she hid there earlier after checking in. The condoms could stay in for a little while longer (she bought those at the very last minute, just in case things moved in that direction - better safe than sorry, after all). That pack would hopefully be at least one or two pieces lighter by morning.
Allegra kept the bottle within reach and then focused fully on the man lying under her again. She broke away from their kiss, however much she wanted to continue. Her fingers and lips caressed Dean's skin as she moved down from his lips and jawline to his neck and then further down to his chest. Her teeth grazed against his nipple. Dean gasped sharply when she bit him. Her mouth curled up into a wicked but playful grin. Served him right for doing that to her all those times.
Allegra's fingers traced his abs further down his stomach. When she reached his member, she let one finger go down the length of his shaft. Dean drew in his breath as she did. 

He's so long, thought Allegra. And hard. But... let's see if we can get him harder.

She licked his chest one last time with the tip of her tongue and then pushed herself away so she could change position, straddling Dean's hips again. She barely suppressed her own gasp when she briefly felt his member against her. The robe had made her forget that she was actually naked as well.
Allegra grabbed the lube and poured some of the contents on Dean's stomach. His eyes shot open. He stared at the bottle in her hands as she put it down again.

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