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Elliot's Pov

I had spent a stupid amount of time trying to figure out what I had to do to fix this situation.

Maybe I should simply text her

-Hi Sophia :)

-What do you want

- Just making sure that the girl I was rude to is doing well. You were right, that was mean of me.

-yeah she's fine.

Maybe I was overthinking it but I felt like she was being dry on purpose. I need to make sure she keeps her mouth shut

-Good! Would you be interested in going for coffee with me ?:0

Sophia is texting

Fuck, what is taking so much time? She's not writing a whole essay, is she? I have other things to do


finally, I thought

-awesome! See you tomorrow at 6 pm at (X place)

Now that she accepted, I just have to plan what I'll do. Let's see what I know about her for now:

-She's not an athletic person, so no sports talk.

-She's a psychology student, so I'll try to ask her about as many random psychology experiments as possible, making her feel like she's in control of the situation.

That's it.

Since Erik is interested in her, he stopped anyone from approaching her.

Doesn't matter, I'll just randomly compliment her and see how she reacts. If she refuses to accept it and feels uncomfortable, I'll know she's insecure and it'll be a piece of cake to make her believe that what she saw was simply a misunderstanding. If she confidently takes it, then I'll know she's more-Fuck this is tiring. I'll just make something up it's not that complicated.


(The Day Of The Rendez-Vous)

I came home early to prepare myself.

I put on some well-fitting, sophisticated outfit (even more than usual), combed my hair, and put on some cologne.

It was sunny outside, which meant that the weather was going to be even colder than it already was.

I came 10 minutes early on purpose and was going to pretend to have waited 30-35 min. longer to hopefully make her guilty. She would be more prone to forgive me if she felt bad. Small issue though, I ended up waiting for 30 fucking minutes.

I pulled out my phone hastily and texted her.

-Hey, where are you? I texted trying not to flip over the table


On read. She left me on fucking read

The waitress noticed I've been sitting alone for a while and gave me a tiramisu.

-I'm leaving, I told her angrily

-Oh okay, well at least take this

She handed me a napkin with her number on it.

-No thanks, I said already leaving by then

I'll fucking kill her. What the fuck is wrong with her? All I did was respond to someone insulting me, what's so wrong with that? I'm supposed to believe she never said anything similar to someone before?

I kicked a trash can while walking out of frustration.

I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her.

She'll pay for this.

Before going to bed, and after having calmed down, I texted her once more and saw that she responded to my message:

-I preferred not going. After all, I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate you going out with another girl, would she?:(. I think it's better if we keep our distance.

The sarcasm was driving me wild.

-Couldn't you fucki- (I erased that part)

-Couldn't you have told me that in advance though? I waited for you for more than an hour

-Sorry, my phone didn't have any battery, I didn't see your message :(

-I saw that you left me on read though?


-Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to you?

-The girl you told to fuck off was my best friend's sister :)

-I already explained to you that it was a mistake

-Doubt it considering other girls' stories about you

-It's not my fault I'm not attracted to them, is it?


what the fuck now?

I know I've broken a few hearts but that's on them. First of all, I don't do relationships. That would mean spending more time than necessary with someone, which I am not interested in. Second, that would also mean that I would risk finding more about myself than they should've. No thank you. Third, I never play with them for more than 3months. If you catch anything (including feelings)during that time, that's your fault.

It's too late for all of this, I'll see what I can do about it tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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