Chapter Fifteen: Gossip and Press Conferences (Part 1)

Start from the beginning


Approximately after half an hour, Logan returned. "I just got off the phone with Mak and she had no idea what was going on. I just started telling her about this and she stopped me so I had to start from the beginning. I explained the situation to her and she agreed to do the press conference. Now I just need to call the press and tell them that I would like to do a conference," Logan said. "Glad to hear that Mak will do the press conference. Go and call the press quickly," I said. "Yeah I am just going to get a glass of water," he said walking into the kitchen. "Yes haha in your face," said James excitedly. Logan just looked at me and looked back at him. James and Carlos were at the dining table and it's an open concept so from the kitchen you can see everything. James didn't see Logan though because his back was towards the kitchen. "We were playing Uno because we got bored. I lost the first two rounds and James and Carlos wanted to play another round," I said. "Oh okay cool! Hey once I'm done making all these calls I'm joining because y'all know I love Uno," Logan said smiling. "Oh you're going down," said James competitively while turning around in his chair. "James chill," said Carlos. We all just laughed. "Okay I'm now hydrated so now I'm going to go make these calls. Hope it doesn't take longer than an hour," he said. "Okay. See you in an hour or so," we all said in unison. With that, Logan took his leave.

After about 20 minutes we got bored of playing games so we turned on the TV. The first thing to pop up was a photo of Logan and Naomi coming out of Starbucks. James turned the volume up for us to hear what they were saying. They were saying the same thing that the magazine did. Then, they showed the other picture saying that Logan had hurt "mystery girl." The report ended with the host saying, "What could this entail for Logan's career and his relationship with Makenzie? We'll keep a close eye on this heated story." Carlos, James, and I just sighed. "Well, that's enough TV for us," said Carlos grabbing the remote and turning it off. "I say we go play Jenga," I suggested cheerily. "Let's do it," said Carlos excitedly. "Yeah let's go," said James excitedly as well.

After an hour and a half, Logan returned. He looked exhausted. "Okay, I am finally done making all the necessary calls and the press conference will be held the day after tomorrow," he said smiling tiredly. "Okay sounds good," said Carlos. "Dude are you okay? You look exhausted you should take a nap," said James. "No, I'm good! The calls did take a bit of my energy, but I am good. I want to play Uno with you guys," he said excitedly. "Are you sure you don't want to take a nap first," Carlos asked. "No, I feel fine," he said. "Okay then, Uno it is," I said heading to the table to get the cards. This time we sat on the floor around the coffee table and started the game. We played four rounds and Logan won 3 out of four and James won the last round. After we finished playing Uno we played Jenga and in the middle of the game Logan fell asleep. We knew that he was tired and James and Carlos even gave him the option to take a nap. Sometimes Logan acts like a kid who doesn't want to go to sleep if they are tired. I'm glad that he was able to fall asleep; he needs some rest.

~Day of the Press Conference~

Logan, Carlos, James and I arrived to the building where the press conference will take place and we went inside with confidence. Makenzie arrived a few minutes after we did. We saw each other at the lobby and we walked together into the room. The room was already setup with chairs, tables, and cameras. There was a table at the front of the room with microphones on it, two chairs, and all cameras focused on it; where Logan and Mak are going to sit. Off to the side, there was another table with three chairs; which is where Carlos, James, and I are going to sit. We stood in the room and waited 5 minutes. Then, we all took our seats and the reporters slowly started making their way into the room; we had a full house. Oh and by the way, this is not the first press conference that we have ever had, but it is Logan's first solo press conference.

The press conference began and the first question was for Logan, "Logan, if you are going out with Makenzie, why were you coming out of Starbucks with another girl?" Logan couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Makenzie and I are not dating. I know the "mystery girl" you all saw me with. We've known each other since we were kids," Logan stated. Another reporter asked, "So does that mean that you guys have broken up?" Makenzie couldn't help but laugh and looked at Logan. "We were never dating in the first place," they said in unison. Then another reporter asked Makenzie, "Makenzie, how do you feel about Logan going out with another girl?" Again they looked at each other. "Logan and I are not a couple and he is free to go out with whoever he likes," she said. The questions kept coming — they were the same questions, but worded differently. By the looks of it, we're going to be here for a while.

There were a bunch of questions asked about Makenzie and Logan's "relationship" and if they had broken up. They were also asking Mak if she was jealous of the "mystery girl." There were also a bunch of questions about what this entails for Logan's career. They were also asking why Logan had hurt Naomi -- why are they accusing him? Why can't they understand that Makenzie and Logan are not going out and that he would never hurt anyone? I just want this press conference to be over already and I'm pretty sure that Logan and Makenzie do as well. I'm so annoyed right now.

At last there was a reporter who asked a different question. "Logan, what happened when you were holding the "mystery girl" -- well mystery girl to us, but you know her since you were a kid -- what happened? If you know each other since you were kids it wouldn't make sense to me for you to hurt her. Did you really hurt her?" Logan sighed. "First of all, thank you for your very well-thought out question. Where do I begin? Yes, like you said we know each other since we were kids and it would be illogical for me to hurt her. I would NEVER hurt anyone let alone my best friend. She has always been there for me and she has been so supportive in everything that I do. Let me just go out and say it, her name is Naomi and we are going out because we are in love. I fell in love with her since the day I met her. Naomi got shot and is currently in the hospital. She took a bullet that was meant for me; I should have been the one in the hospital. Someone is out to get me and I do not know who it is or why they want to kill me; all I know is that my life is in danger," said Logan worriedly. Everyone in the room gasped.

All of a sudden, everyone started talking at once and throwing more questions at him. Logan calmed them down. A few more reporters were able to get their questions in. The last question that got asked was, "Logan, why did you decide to go out with someone who isn't a celebrity?" Logan just chuckled. "Listen, all I'm going to ask of all those present here today to not hate on her because she might end up being your colleague one day. That is all I'm going to say," said Logan. Once again, the room erupted with all reporters asking a bunch of questions simultaneously, but the time had run out. "Thank you all for your time," Logan said with a smile. Finally, the press conference ended. But now we're off to a photo shoot — hopefully we can have some fun there and we can clear our minds.

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