Chapter forty-one - I have missed you

Start from the beginning

- Hey Lexi, what are you doing?

- Waiting for Hunter to come to our place.

- What? Why? Did you decide to make up the things? I'm so happy for you guys.

- Yes, that's the plan. I can't stand to be far away from him. I don't know how it'll go, but I'm hoping for the best.

- Don't worry, everything will be back to normal. You didn't hear it from me, but Hunter wasn't ok the last two weeks.

- Why? Did something happen? Another accident?

- Yes and it's called Lexi wanted a break.

- Very funny. Tell me the real reason. Is he ok?

- I did it. He isn't ok, because of you. Hunter can't stand the idea you two are separated. I agree that you needed it, but it was way too much.

- I know, it's just... I had no idea what to tell him. I mess up badly and can't even look him in the eyes. Do you think that he'll forgive me? What if he wants to break up with me?

- I think that you are crazy. No one else has loved you that much. Why the hell he would break up with you? I don't know where you hit your head, but you need a doctor.

- I am serious. I don't want to lose him again.

- And you won't. Now calm down and enjoy your time with him.

- I will. Thanks, Emma. You always know what to say.

- No problem. Now just relax and don't think about anything, ok?

- Yes. Hunter is coming, so I'll leave you. Bye. - I end the call

Here he comes. Looking better than ever. I have missed him a lot. And how I see the things he has missed me too. He get off his motorcycle and came to me. We made eye contact which I think lasted a little bit too long.

- Hey, how are you? - I asked him

- Bad, but now I am a little bit better. What is all that?

- Let's sit and I'll explain everything.

We sit on the blanket and I looked him in the eyes. They are perfect, just like him. I took a deep breath and start talking.

- The last two weeks were hard for both of us. Especially for me. I know that I started it and I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I did a lot of things that I shouldn't, but this was something different. I hurt you and I promised that I'll never do it. I never wanted this to happen, but I was tired of always arguing with you. To be honest I don't even know for what we did it. Hunter, I'm so sorry that I treated you like that. You have never deserved it and that's why I did all of these things. I know that you probably won't accept my apology and will break up with me, but give me a chance to show you one last thing before you do it.

Hunter nodded and I pull out my phone. I played the video which I made at home. He was watching without saying a single word. I wanted to snuggle so bad, but now it's not the time for that. When it finished I looked at him again.

- I'm so sorry that I did all these things to you. You are the best boyfriend ever, but you don't deserve a girlfriend like me. Before you decide what to do, will you try the cake which I made? I know how much you like cakes and that is why I made you a vanilla one. It didn't turn out as expected, but I hope that you'll like it. Don't worry, I didn't put poison in it. - I chuckled

Both of us take a piece and ate it peacefully. I guess that he likes the cake.

- I know that it's hard, but can you forgive me? Please. I miss you. I promise that I'll never do this again. I love you so much.

Hunter leaned in and kissed me. It was a sweet soft kiss. Damn it, I have missed that and him too. More and more I realize how much he means to me. I love him more than everything in this world.

- It's not your fault Lexi. If I haven't argued with you that much, that was never going to happen. I'm sorry for all the things that I said to you. I never meant them. I was just mad at you, but that didn't mean that I have to talk like that. I'm sorry that this break went that long. I didn't know what to tell you and that's why I didn't text or call you. Can you forgive me? Maybe you won't want someone like me in your life, but can you give me one more chance? Please, Lexi. I have missed you. These two weeks were like hell for me. I love you.

The plan was to make up the things, not I to end up crying. I just can't hold the tears. After all that I did, he still thinks that he is guilty. He is just my missing piece. I did what I always do. I pulled him close and kissed him. I put all my emotions into that kiss. When we pulled apart he carefully wiped my tears. The good thing is that I don't wear make-up.

- You know that I don't like when you're sad. I prefer the happy Lexi and I hope that she is still out there.

- She is, waiting for you to take her back. Well if you want to.

- I happily will take her back. I have missed my boss. - he chuckled

- Do you want another piece of the cake? I made a lot.

- Only one? I would like to take more than one. If you don't mind.

With that, we take one more piece. I snuggle as we ate it. I'm glad that we made up the things. I guess that no matter what we will go through, we'll always end up together. This only makes us stronger. I'm really proud of my relationship with Hunter. He is the best boyfriend that has ever existed. And that's why I love him so much.

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