Chapter seventeen - The good girl is getting wasted

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Lexi's POV:

I had a nice weekend and ruined it with an argument with my parents. I can't stand them anymore, but I don't have a choice. I have to live under the same roof as them. Today is Friday, so I can finally get wasted with my friends. I need something to make me forget about my problems even for a while. But I also will try to convince the good girl to come with me. I don't know will she agree so that's why I'll ask her friends too. Mine won't bother to bring some people. I already asked Andy and Mike, but both cut me off. I couldn't find Josh to talk with him. But now he is at home with Katy so it's the perfect time for me to make a move.

- Hey, can I ask both of you something?

- Sure, what is it? - Katy asked me

- Tonight I'm going to meet with my friends and I wondered would you like to come with me? I asked Andy and Mike earlier, but they cut me off. Only you two left.

I didn't tell her about the drinking, because that way she'll never agree, neither him. I want them both, so at least she'll have someone like her around and won't feel lonely.

- What will you do? I'm not in the mood for a party or anything like that? - she said

- Well if you call five people a party, then that's it. We don't invite other people. We enjoy being with ourselves. But since you have never seen what are we doing on a Friday night, I mean how we chill, I decide to take you with me. And to don't feel lonely, I'm also inviting Josh to come too. If he wants. I'm not forcing any of you.

- If it's only you then I'm willing to try. Emma is not that bad, Hunter and Aaron too. I have never had the chance to talk much with Ricky. Ok, I'm in. Josh, will you come? - she asked looking at him

- I might come for a couple of hours, but that's it. Nothing else.

- Good to know. If you don't mind you can take your car, because I can't drive with you two on my motorcycle. There is not that much space.

- Ok, no problem.

- If you want you can go and prepare yourself because after two hours we are leaving. I'm going to take a shower and change.

I went to my room and get ready to take a shower when on my screen appeared a massage. It was from Hunter. I laughed when I read it.

- I can't wait to get you drunk tonight. I have missed the loose Lexi. XO

This boy will kill me. I replied:

- Me too. It's been a long time. You know that you'll do it too. I want to have fun, but I need you for that. XO

After my shower, I changed into black ripped jeans, a tank top, and my favorite sneakers. I want to be comfy after all. Katy and I are ready and now we're waiting for Josh. He appear dressed up which made Katy blush a little. I don't know he hasn't realized it yet.

- Ok, I'll drive with you behind me, since you don't know where in the house.

- Sure, but don't do it too fast.

- No worries. Just follow me and don't let cars get between us. That way I won't lose you.

They get in the car, me on my motorcycle and we left. I don't know how comfortable Katy is feeling to be alone with Josh, but this way is better. Motorcycles are not for her. Soon we arrive and I park in front of the house next to Josh's car. I was about to go inside when I hit my head in the door. Why is it locked? I haven't arrived yet. I hit the door and then Ricky appeared.

- If you lock the door one more time before I have arrived, I'll kill you. Understood?

- Yes, mam. Now calm down and get in. Someone is waiting for you. - he winked me

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