Chapter eighteen - Hungover and flashbacks

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Lexi's POV:
I just woke up. Hunter is still sleeping next to me. Last night was crazy for many reasons. I did what I always do. Emma and I hit it as usual. Katy and Josh...let's say that they may have found a way to get closer. Poor Aaron was alone. He needs a girl to doesn't feel lonely. And about Emma and Ricky...I don't know what and how it happened. I'm not sure should I tell them about that. But they are my friends and deserve to know everything. Moreover, I'm sure that Emma will ask me if something has happened. She always does to make sure that she didn't do something stupid. I don't know how much she'll remember, same for Ricky.

- Hey babe, are you ok? Why are you worried? - Hunter asked me

I didn't even realize when he woke up. I was too busy worrying for my friends.

- I'm fine, just thinking about last night.

- What a night it was? I can't believe that you convinced Katy and Josh to come.

- Me either, but at least that helps them to get close.

I still can't stop thinking about Emma and Ricky. I know that it's not my business what will happen between them, but I hope for the best.

- Are you sure there isn't a problem? You know you can tell me. - Hunter said softly

- I caught Emma and Ricky making out last night! - I blurted out

- WHAT!? Are you sure? Maybe you have hungover. That's impossible.

I show him the little video, which I took. He looked at it shocked. Hunter was watching it, shaking his head. I don't know what he thinks, but for sure it's not something nice. Not like this is a bad thing, but when they are sober, they'll never do it. They don't get close. Even a simple hug is way too much.

- How did it happen? How drunk they were?

- Enough to let this happen. I don't know should I tell them. They are my friends, but I don't want things between them to get awkward. I just want to keep their friendship. What should I do?

- Honestly, I don't know. For sure they won't like to hear it, but we don't keep secrets. Especially like this one. Is it beneficial or not, but they probably won't remember that this has happened.

- I know, but I feel bad and now hungry. Let's go for food.

Both of us went downstairs. I found some eggs and decide to make them with a little bit of cheese. Good thing is that Hunter doesn't complain about the food. Soon I heard talking and turned out to see that it was Aaron. My heart skipped a beat. I was pulled out of my thoughts by him.

- Lexi, turn it off! Do you want to burn the house? - he said and turned off the stove

- Are you ok? Did you burn yourself? - Hunter asked me

- Yes, I'm fine. Kind of. I just...can't stop thinking about them.

- About who? I don't understand. - Aaron said looking at me

- She is talking about Emma and Ricky. Things between them get heated last night. Way too much.

- How exactly? They always get close when they are drunk.

- I saw them making out. Last night when I went to search for them after the pool I saw them in the kitchen. And now I don't know should I tell them or not.

- Woah, that's um... I don't know what to say. But they deserve to know everything. Plus Emma will ask you like always.

- I know and that's why I am worried. I don't know what to tell her. Everything or almost everything.

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