Chapter fifteen - Happy anniversary pt.2

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Lexi's POV:
Today was probably the best day that I have ever had. First, I spend it with Hunter. Second, I had a lot of fun, playing all these games. Yes, I am a big kid. Third, he gave me a super cute present. A bracelet on which were engraved our initials. And what he said made me cry. Nobody has ever loved me that much before. I am so happy that I have someone like him by my side. Someone who actually loves me and takes care of me.

Hunter said that I can choose what we'll do tonight. It's good because I already have a couple of ideas in my mind. First I want a walk, then maybe go home for a movie or something like that. Well if we manage to watch the movie. He is an easy distraction for me. What do I have to say? I have a good-looking boyfriend.

- I want to go for a walk. Then we can go home for a movie or other things. - I said smirking which made him chuckle

- I can't wait to go home then.

We walk around and talk for an hour. All the time he was holding my hand and throwing dead glares to all the boys that were checking me out. It's sweet how he still gets jealous. He is like that since the beginning. Well, I am the same, so I understand him. I think that it's a good thing. This shows that we care for each other.

Soon we were at home, me preparing the movie and him the dinner. I decide that before we watch it, I'll give him his present. It was a photo album with our story in it. Basically, I have put pictures of us from when we were young up to now, and on each page, I have written something like an explanation. I know it's not that much, but it's made by heart, which I think he'll appreciate.

- Before we watch the movie, I want to give you your present. It's nothing special, but I made it by myself and I hope that you'll like it. - I said with a hoping smile

- Since it's from you, I'll like it.

Hunter started flipping the pages and reading what I have written. He was smiling and laughing. I wrote the truth. We have been arguing a lot, but we quickly made up. I don't know how he is still with me after the way I'm treating him sometimes. I thought that this is a better idea than the so-called movie for which I thought at the beginning.

- This is funny. Thank you, Lexi. We had a lot up to and downs, but we manage to survive.

- I still don't understand why you are with me. I have treated you terribly, but you never got mad at me. I've been a**whole, but you never minded it. I'm sorry for everything that I have done for you. Especially when I used you as a punching bag. The fact that I was angry that day, didn't give me the right to put the blame on you. I am a terrible person, but I can't help it. I really appreciate that you like the real me and never judged me for anything. That you never stopped me to get in trouble, with the condition to not go too far. You are from the fewer people who actually care about me and pay attention to what I am saying. Thank you for listening to all my problems and helping me solve them. You are the best boyfriend and I am so thankful to have you by my side. I love you so much, Hunter. - I said tearing up a little

He had a huge smile on his face. Have I told you how cute he can be? A lot. I might be a baddie, but he is the one who is making me soft. I never will be able to thank him enough for all the things that he has done for me. Soon enough I was pulled for a nice soft kiss. I'm still worried a little bit that something might happen, but not as much as before. I decide to enjoy the night and leave these thoughts at the back of my head.

- Let's watch our movie now. Or do you have other ideas in your head? - he said smirking

- First is the movie. The other things will be later. I don't want to do them on the couch. - I replied laughing

- I don't care where it'll be. As long as you're here with me.

- But I do. I want to feel comfortable. So if you don't mind. - I said and snuggle

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