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Author's Note: YAYYYY ANOTHER CHAPTER!! I'm really trying to complete all of the chapters so I can upload them faster for all of you. 

I woke up the next morning feeling happier than ever. It still felt surreal to be with someone.

I didn't like Mark because of his idol facade or the way he presented himself to the general public.

I developed a friendship with him in which I could see who he really is and all of his weird quirks. He was so much more than the person that they portrayed him to be on shows and on television.

He was funny, charismatic, loved to make me smile, and most importantly, a huge gentleman. I felt luckier than ever.


Mark: Good morning, baby.

Eunji: Baby? Haha, that's cute.

Mark: Only the cutest nickname for the cutest girl.

Eunji: Damn, you're cheesy. When can I see you again?

Mark: Soon! I'm practicing with Jaehyun and Johnny right now.

Shit. Jaehyun. How was I supposed to tell my one and only best friend that I was dating his best friend? Would he be mad? Would he see me differently? I had no idea how to tell him.

I opened up my contacts list and pulled up, "Handsome Jae".

Eunji: Hey!

Jaehyun: Hey! I was just about to text you.

Eunji: Haha really? About what?

Jaehyun: Nothing. I just miss you. You're always so busy nowadays.

Eunji: Can I see you tonight? I have something to tell you.

Jaehyun: Damn, you're making me nervous. I can pick you up later. 7?

Eunji: Okay. See you.

I was in a daze. I didn't know how to tell him, nor did I even rehearse what to say.

Time flew by quickly and soon enough, it was already 7pm. Jaehyun pulled up to my apartment at exactly seven sharp. He was wearing a leather jacket and a cap.

Was it just me, or did he look different? He never was the type to be this stylish in front of me.

Right before I could even say anything, he hugged me tightly.

"God, I missed you," he whispered, making the embrace even tighter.

"Jae, what's up? Why the sudden affection?"

I pulled away. Something about his hug felt different.

"You know what I realized? I really really do appreciate you."

"Okay, come on, you can tell me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just really miss you."

Jaehyun continued to drive and much of the car ride was silent. He just kept stealing small glances at me every now and then. Something was off about him, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Was it his style? His sudden affection?

We arrived at a playground and my heart sank. It was the same playground where we first met in high school and our same hangout place every day after school.

"Remember this place?" Jaehyun laughed, sitting on one of the swings.

I took one of the swings next to him, "The time where we skipped class to swing?"

He laughed, "Yeah. Or the time where I pushed you too hard and you fell out?"

We laughed until our stomachs hurt as we recalled different events from seven years ago. It almost felt as if no time had passed.

"What was it you wanted to tell me?" he asked, getting up to push me on the swing.

My heart sank. I knew if I didn't tell him now, there wouldn't be another good chance.

"Remember that rule we made in high school? About dating?"

"Yeah. If we were to ever fall in love, the first person we tell is each other. Why?"

"What if...I told you I was seeing someone?"

He stopped pushing, "What do you mean?"

"I-I'm dating Mark," I replied, quickly standing up to face him.

After that, it was silent. Only the creaking of the swing was left for us to listen to.

"So that's how it is," Jaehyun said, walking back to the car.

I ran to catch up with him, "What? Jae, come on. I thought we would always listen to each other."

"I know, but...God, I don't know," he replied, stopping in his tracks.

"Then please talk to me at least."

"I don't know why I'm upset. I know I shouldn't be. And it's Mark...I know he'd never hurt you."

"If you know that, then what's wrong?"

"No, no it's okay. It's probably just a shock since you've never been into dating," he smiled, shrugging it off.

I knew he was upset, but just like back then, I could never force him to open up. He would always open up when he felt like the timing was right.

"I'm happy for you, truly. Mark is a good guy. I'm glad you two hit it off," he said, giving me another tight hug.

After that, he drove me home. It was silent the whole time. 

My Universe // Mark LeeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora