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Hi everyone!! It's the author here. This is one of my first fanfics here on Wattpad and I hope you all like it! This will have romance, drama, and some mature content. Happy reading! :) 

My name is Kim Eunji. I'm twenty two years old and studying business here in Seoul, South Korea. After my parents passed away when I was in middle school, I was left with my aunt and uncle. 

After juggling three part time jobs while studying in high school, I was finally able to purchase a small place of my own in Seoul for easier access to my university.

While I was in high school, I met Jung Jaehyun, my best friend. He has dark brown hair, soft milk-like skin, and dimples. 

At school, he was the popular one. I'm not sure how it began, but in freshman year of high school, we were both the book nerds sitting in the back of the classroom. 

Fast forward to the summer after junior year, he grew taller and our classmates started to see him in a different light. Unknowingly, he was already breaking girls' hearts from afar.

Jaehyun never made me feel unimportant despite the popularity. 

He always reminded me that I'll always be his best friend no matter what, even if our paths change in the future. He'll always be that boy I rode my bike with to and from school and the one I could always go to whenever things were hard.

Now that I'm in college, I can happily say that he still is my best friend. Although things are very different now and we may not be able to see each other every day, he's still the one person that I can rely on. However, as you grow up, change is natural. 

Our paths really did change. Jaehyun, the quiet kid in class, is now one of the country's top idols. 

Right after high school graduation, he entered SM Entertainment through an audition. He always loved to sing, but I never thought that he'd turn out to be not just our school's heartthrob, but the whole nation's.

He trained at the company for a few years. I remember the days where I would go to sleep and he'd text me saying he had to wake up for dance practice. I still recall those nights where he'd cry, asking me if he should still go on. 

I saw how he persevered through all of those years, only for him to end up exactly where I envisioned him to be: in a multi-award winning boy group called NCT. 

I haven't met the boys, although they do know who I am. Jaehyun and I have spent the past few years since his debut video calling and texting instead.

One day after my communications class, I received a text from him saying, "Eunji. Company's restrictions have been lifted a bit. Wanna meet my members today? Pick you up at 4."

How could I say no, of course? I mean, I want to meet his new friends as well. Little did I know, this would be the start of a new chapter. 

My Universe // Mark LeeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum