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It was an extremely busy day at school, especially with the final exams before the holidays coming up. It didn't feel quite like Christmas season for me despite the decorations all around Seoul.

I still had my thesis and several group projects to complete before being able to finally relax.

It had been about two months since the last time I saw Mark and Jaehyun.

They were busy again preparing for another comeback for NCT 127, however, Mark and I have been texting and calling consistently.

We spoke a lot more than Jaehyun and I had been at the time.

We often find ourselves talking until 2 or 3am, and he keeps me company while I study or if I need help with anything. We've gotten to know each other a lot more...and my feelings have only grown deeper.

I was in my business administration class one afternoon, working on a project for my finals.


Mark: Hey you. How's class?

Eunji: Barely hanging on haha. Are you at practice?

Mark: Yep, can't stop thinking of you though.

Eunji: Are you flirting with me?

Mark: When am I not?

Eunji: Haha, you're right.

Mark: Hm, how's that business administration class?

Eunji: Wait, I never told you I was in business admin.

Mark: Mhmm.

Eunji: What?

I looked around and there he was: standing by the window of my classroom.

Since it was a free period with no professor to work on our projects, I quickly got out of my seat and ran towards him.

I hugged him tightly, my arms wrapped eagerly around his neck and his wrapped around my waist.

"I missed you," he whispered, slowly caressing my hair.

I smiled, burying my face into his gray hoodie, "I missed you too."

"Can't I steal you away? I wanna take you out on a date," he said, grabbing my hand.

"You know I can't. I have to finish this project."

"Mark Lee?!" a girl screamed from afar as people started crowding around him to take a photo while I was pushed aside.

He looked as if he wanted to get out of the crowd and his eyes were wandering to find me. I was shocked by how quickly students at my university were able to recognize him.

But, at the same time, I was proud. I knew he deserved all of this recognition.

I couldn't help but giggle and smile from twenty feet away, laughing at his expression of wanting to quickly get out of the mob.

"Hey, we can just finish the project another time. If only we had known your boyfriend was an idol," my friend Jang Mi giggled.

I turned around, "W-what? No he's not my boyfriend."

"Not yet at least," she laughed, "Don't worry. We got this."

The crowd finally slowly died down and Mark grabbed my hand quickly.

"Come on, let's go out on a date," he says as we run to the parking lot.

"Where's your driver?" I ask, seeing the empty driver's seat in the van.

He laughed, "Who says I can't drive?"

I got into the passenger seat next to him and he gently grabbed my hand to hold it. This was the first time I had ever experienced being driven like this.

His fingers intertwined with mine as he grabbed the wheel with one hand. My heart couldn't help but flutter.

He slowly lifted my hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it, giving me a sweet smile before looking at the road once more.

We stopped near a beautiful river, with the city in perfect view from the patch of grass that we were sitting on.

He set up a picnic with my favorite snacks and flowers that I had mentioned through our video calls before.

"Roses, peonies, Barbecue flavored lays, and ham sandwiches," Mark pointed out, using a voice as if he were a culinary chef.

I laughed, "Mark, I'm so excited to eat all of this."

"Of course, it's all yours."

We ate the snacks and caught up about what we had been doing the past few weeks. He had been busy with practice and had barely been sleeping, yet he still made the time for me.

"Can I ask you something?" Mark asked as he started to pack up the food.

"Of course."

"Well, I know it's only been a few months since we first met, but can I ask if...you also feel like this?," he asked, looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.

I tried making eye contact, "Feel like what?"

My heart was racing.

"I like you, Eunji. No, maybe a lot more than that, but I really want to be with you," he said, quickly burying his face in his hands out of embarrassment.

I couldn't breathe, "M-Mark. I-."

"You don't have to give me a reply right now."

"No, I do. I like you too. So damn much."

He smiled, probably giving me the biggest smile I had ever seen.

All he could do in that next moment was hug me. I had never felt more happy in my life, to finally be able to have the person that I so deeply care about finally feel the same way about me.

"I know this is crazy, but I've never felt this way about anyone. I was never interested in anyone like I am with you," he said, holding my face gently.

He pulled me in for a soft, gentle kiss. His smooth lips slowly overlap with mine and I can't help but wonder how lucky I am to finally be with someone like him.

He pauses to give me a smile before kissing me again once more, this time more passionate. He grabs my neck and caresses my hair from behind, one hand on my waist as he moves his head left and right.

I never had any experience with kissing, but for some reason everything feels natural. Everything in that moment felt like it was meant to be. 

My Universe // Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now