33/XXXIII: Wounded for Love

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~Jonni & Avellana~

Jonni's POV

Saturday, November 9, 2019 - 10:48 AM

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I just couldn't. Tonight was gonna be the night that I could win Illvetta's heart. As far as I know, I've probably already won it, but she'd want me to make a move to make it official. Either I would, or she would. Either way, I was finally gonna get to be with her and finally have a legitimate girlfriend this time.

I went to bed early last night around 10:00 and woke up around 8:00 this morning to get all the proper rest I needed. I wanted to feel good and look like I was in love with her, not having a marital fight with my bed. I didn't get to see what color she was gonna wear to the college ball. But, if I estimated all the times that we've just hanging out and seeing her working at her daddy's cafe, she would be wearing blue to the college ball. Most of the time, she would wear blue. That was probably her favorite color. I bought a nice blue collared shirt and found a decent pair of black suit pants with thin blue stripes and a matching jackets last week. I was almost all set.

Sadly, they didn't make corsages this early in the school year. They'd make them around March or April. The second best thing I could do was find a necklace with a blue gemstone in the pendant to hopefully match her ensemble. Avellana came with me yesterday and helped me find it. It was definitely worth spending $350. She did the same for Indy by getting her a necklace with a red gemstone in the pendant. I mean, Indy and Illvetta were twins. Why not treat them with the same gift?

Anyway, earlier today, I showered just to wake myself up. The shower head would always have me up on my toes because the landlord "promised" that he'd fix it, but he ain't done shit yet. God forbid something happens, then he'd fix it in a panic since he'd be the one responsible. Anyway, I figured I should hit the gym like I always do every Saturday morning and get my workouts up and out of the way, even though I needed to shower again. That was my routine anyway. I had some free time on my hands.


Saturday, November 9, 2019 - 2:56 PM

I stayed longer than I needed to. The trampoline at the gym was hard to break away from. I went to a deli nearby and sat there for an hour just enjoying my sandwich and thinking about Illvetta some more. Seeing that it was almost 3:00, I rushed back to my apartment.

When I got there, I shot Illvetta a message:

"Hey, beautiful. What time should I meet you at the crib so we can ride the limo together?"

I put my gym bag away and grabbed my shower stuff when I got a text back from her two minutes later, saying:

"Hey cutie! Meet me here at 5:00! The limo will be here at 5:30 to take us and Indy and Avellana to the ballroom. We have to be there by 6:00 so we can set up our table so Indy and I can check tickets at the door!"

I replied:

"Okay I'll be there at 5:00. I'm about to head into the shower now. I can't wait to see you tonight. Let's have a wonderful time tonight."

I needed to make sure that I got the best smelling stuff. I wanted to smell good for her and for myself. I really, really loved this woman. As soon as I went into my closet, she replied:

"I can't wait to see you either! I want us to have more than a wonderful time tonight, and hopefully be closer than we are now. I'll see you soon, okay?"

Her message had me smiling like an idiot. I wasn't expecting that. I sent her a little purple heart and went into my closet to find my suit. I was confused as to why I couldn't find it. Then, it hit me. I dropped it off at the dry cleaners days ago and forgot to pick it up on the way home. I was pissed. I thought about Avellana because she was already planning to come over so we could carpool to the crib. I hit her up, hoping that she'd answer.

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