14/XIV: A Talk with the Bee's Queen

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Friday, September 6th, 2019

September had just started a few days ago, and ever since I saw what happened at the arts and crafts store a couple weeks ago, I couldn't help but be angry. Slimy really had the fucking nerve to talk shit about somebody who really loved her, then acted all fake when Ellery was trying to give her love and affection. If she didn't like Ellery, then she should leave! Exit stage left!

It won't right. It will never sit right with me at all. Ellery really deserved better. I couldn't get my mind off of it, so I just went to my bestie's cafe and stayed for a while. My bestie wasn't working that day, but I hoped that I'd get to see her. If anything, she was probably hanging out with Avella, which I really didn't mind. She deserved to be happy with someone who was being very affectionate towards her. Ellery deserved to be that happy with someone who was just like Avella...

All of that had me depressed. I rested my head on the table, about to cry my eyes out again for the third time today. Ever since that happened, I've been dreaming about it. Dreams of scenarios that would happen if I had said or done anything after seeing Slimy's phone.

One night, I dreamt that I actually beat the shit out of her with that fake reaper decoration and just kept doing it until the ground cracked open, revealing the fiery pits of hell. The funniest part: she fell into it, and the ground repaired itself to its normal state immediately after. Ellery was so happy that she swept me off my feet. Indy and Avella started cheering in the background. We ran out of the store and we had a wedding shortly after. We spent the rest of our lives together in that dream. That one was my favorite.

Another night, it started off the same way with me about to beat Slimy's ass with the reaper, except this time, she fought back. She had muscles and fought me with her fists like she was an MMA fighter. It was like an anime fight scene in that dream. She had hands, but I won't giving up that easily. Then one knock to my noggin woke me up that night.

I was daydreaming about those two dreams in particular with my head down. Oh, how I wanted to beat that skank up so bad, but I'd have to brace up if she was gon' fight back.


I quickly raised my head up to see who it was that called my name. I looked to my right at the front counter, and there Indy and Avella were standing. They waved at me. I rushed over to them and gave them a hug.

"You doin' okay, love?" Avella asked.

Indy looked concerned in the face. "Yeah, your head was down on the table like somethin' happened to you and is stressin' you out. Is it because of what happened two weeks ago?"

I nodded. "It was obvious, won't it?"

"Wait, what happened two weeks ago?" Avella grew curious.

"While I was helpin' Indy find supplies for your bracelet—which looks dazzlin' on you, btw—, I heard something a few aisles over, so I scoped it out. It was Ellery and her girl Slimy playing and makin' out in the aisles. Then, when Ellery won't payin any attention at all, Slimy texted somebody and sent them a selfie of her and Ellery. They said that Ellery won't all that and that Slimy could do better. Slimy replied with: 'I know,' and I ain't been the same since. I couldn't do anything about it but get angry."

Avella's face grew shocked, then disgusted. "I mean, I don't agree with eavesdropping, but wow. That girl's been bad news from the start from what Racine told me, and she's only gettin' worse. Why would anyone have the brain cells of a fucking bug and do something so deceitful? Like, if you don't like Ellery, then leave her. Ellery is being used. She is gonna drain out of love that she'll have left for Alisha, and when she's empty, Alisha will be done with her and throw her out. Or, like, eventually Alisha gon slip up one of these days, and Ellery ain't gonna be happy. You need to say somethin', Lotus."

The Way Love Changes You; Book One: Love's FirstsWhere stories live. Discover now