Elsa's pov

It hurt that he was so cold toward me and a single tear ran down my face but I wasn't going to show him how much his words actually hurt. So I walked away from him. When I finally made it to my room I shut the door and leaned my back against it. I let my tears fall silently as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned and locked the door before I walked over to my closet. I took the suitcase from the top of the closet and sat it on the floor, opening it before I turned my attention to the clothes. None of them were mine but I couldn't very well go back to my appartment long enough to pack everything so I picked out a few dresses and put them in the suitcase. Opening the dresser I picked out a couple shirts, some blue jeans, and some underware and bras throwing it all into the suitcase. When I was done, which didn't take long, I looked at the time. It was only 3:00 in the morning and the busses wouldn't be due till around 8:00 so I sat an alarm for 7:00 and got me an outfit to wear tomorrow before I curled up in bed.
The alarm seemed to sound not long after I fell asleep. I sat up slowly. The little bit of sleep i'd gotten just seemed to make me even more tired. I rolled over and turned off the alarm as I stretched. I was dredding being out on my own again, on the run but I knew I had no choice. At least I would soon be far away from Ian once again, but how long that would be I don't have a clue. I was tired of running, of hiding, just to stay alive. But I also knew I had no choice. If he found me, if I let him catch me then he would most likely kill me, after all I had escaped from him twice. The first time he had told me what the consequences would be if I tried to run again. My only chance was to stay as far away as possible. I took a hot shower, letting the water run over my tense muscles. I knew the relaxed feeling wouldn't last long so I enjoyed it for a few minutes before I washed my hair. After putting the coditioner in my hair I quckly shaved and then rinsed my hair. When I finally stepped back into the bedroom it was fuve till 8:00. Not wanting to see Jace I grabbed my things and made my way silently to the door. I doubted anyone would even realize I was gone. Closing the door behind me as quietly as possible I turned and walked away from the one place I had started to think I'd be safe. I made my way to the bus stop and right on time the bus pulled up. I paid for my ticket and made my way to an empty seat. I had to go by my appartment and since I had no clue where I was at I would have to pay for two bus tickets. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out thinking maybe he had changed his mind about me leaving but instead the text was from CJ. I didn't know how he got my number but i didn't want to talk to him so I decided to just turn my phone off. When the bus reach my road I grabbed my thing and headed straight for my apartment, the pace I'd called home for the last month.

CJ's pov

I woke up around 7:30 in the morning and for a while I just layed there and thought about everything that had happened in the last week. From Jace loosing controle to finding out that Ian was in town, and not only was he in town he also knows exactly where Elsa is now. As I sat up running my hand through my hair I heard the front door closing. I figured it was Jace leaving so I quickly put clothes on and headed out to stop him. There were some thing that we needed to talk about, some things we needed to figure out but he was already gone. I guess it would have to wait until he got home. I then turned on my heel and made my way to Elsa's room. If we had any chance of fighting Ian and winning we needed to know as much about him as possible and she was the one who knew the most. Her door was shut so I knocked but there was no answer. At first I thought maybe she was just asleep and hadn't heard me so I knocked again, louder this time, but there was still no reply. It was then that I knotice I didn't hear her. Usually I could hear her heartbeat or her breathing but this time there was nothing. Hoping I was wrong and she was just asleep I opened her door to look inside but the bed was empty. Rushing into the room I jerked the bathroom door open but my heart sank when there was no sign of her. I knew it must have been her who left then but I decided to check the rest of the house just incase. After not finding her anywhere in the house I went to find Jace. I just knew he had something to do with this and I wanted to know what had happened after I left the oom last night. I didn't even bother to knock when I reached his room I just walked right in. Jace was still laying in bed asleep that is untill I pulled the curtins open letting the sun flood the room with light. He cussed me and pulled tye pillow over his face trying to block the light out. No doubt he had a hang over, the way he had drank last night.
"Jace get up we need to talk now." I had a little more anger in my voice than was probably necessary but I didn't care.
"Go away." He grumbled.
I sighed and jerked the pillow away from him.
"What the fuck CJ? "
"Get up now Jace. We need to talk."
"Can't it wait? I have a major headach and its not even 9am yet."
"No it can not wait. Elsa is gone Jace. "
At this he sat straight up and looked at me, his hangover now forgotten.
"What do you mean gone?"
"I mean she's  gone, she left."

Sorry for the slow update ive been really busy. Anyway hope you like the story so far don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know what you guys think so far. I'll try to update again soon but I just started a new job so no promises when I'll be able to update.

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