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"Young Miss, here your water. "

"Thanks Amy."

I gulped all the water in one go and started contemplating the whole situation.

It was a sunny day. Cool breezes were passing by. Birds were chirping and I was sleeping like a log. Yeah, it was peaceful until I woke up by someone's calling.

"Young Miss, you should wake up now. It's already time for lunch. "

"Ummh... "

I woke up rubbing my eyes only to find a beautiful lady standing beside my bed.

'Woahhh.... What's with this beauty.
Beautiful brown hair tied in a bun, light blue eyes shinning like a jewel, slander body with slightly tanned skin.'
I smiled unconsciously while admiring the beauty of the middle aged woman standing in front of me.

'Wait, who the hell is she? No, first where am I? And. What's with this western set up?'

I peeked at the mirror behind the lady.

'Am I supposed to be impressed. '
What I saw was the reflection of a red haired girl with reddish brown eyes and pale skin. She is indeed beautiful. But, why does she look so thin. Is she being starved. Did I transmigrated into her body like some isekai manhwa.'

I was in deep thought, until a sharp voice broke my chain of thoughts.

"Young Miss, did you lost your memory again. "

"Huh.. "

'What the.... Is she amnesiac. '

"I guess so... " I replied cautiously.

"Young Miss, let me start by I introducing myself. I am Amanda Rodriogo and I am your servant and the butler of this house. You are the second child of the count family. You were experimenting on something new from past 5 months, which often ended up by you losing your memories."

I was listening diligently. 'Am I some genius mad scientist or what? '

Amanda, probably understood what was I thinking as she spoke just just after that.

"Young Miss, you are a mage who uses relic magic. You can weild both sword and spear. You have a twin brother and two younger siblings. Also, you started putting notes of important things after you started losing your memories due to the experiment. So, you can go through rest of the things through your diaries. "


'I really am impressive. But, how do I even wield a sword and a spear with this body. But, I can use magic. Well, that's good. Oh by the way...hmm'

"What's my name again.? "

"Hmmh... Oh, you are Kira Henituse. "

"Well, that's a nice name. '

'Well, it's the first time that she forgot her name. Hmm... Well that must be another side effect. '

"Will you take a bath first Young Miss"

"Yes, please"

"I will ready the bath quickly then. " she left saying that.

I went through all the diaries, while Amy was preparing the bath. Surprisingly, I can use relic magic and the weapons well. It's probably because this body is well familiar with it. While cramming through all those texts, I found some interesting facts, like Relic magic can't be taught. If one wish to learn it then they must read the ancient relic texts which aren't tough to find, it's just that not all people can learn it. It also have grades like any other mages, apparently I am the highest grade. Though, I don't know have any attack skills. Well, I can always learn them.

I went to deep thinking, while soaking myself in the bath water.

'I am getting this OP MC vibe from myself. Am I the protagonist of this other isekai mahwas. F**k... I always wanted to feel what it's like to be the main character. Hehe... '

Amanda halted when she was getting out of the bathroom.

'My God.... What's with this sudden evil smile? ' she clearly wants to unsee this scene.

I ate my breakfast, while thinking about all the knowledge I obtained.
I have a twin brother Cale, who is well... Umm a trash. Also, I am a crazy lunatic. I wonder what this body did all these time. Well, and I am really close with my brother. We meet every other day. And, about why I moved away from home. It was purely a whine of mine. I guess that works too. Good thing is neither me nor my brother have good reputation so I am pretty sure I don't have to worry about not acting like a noble. But, what I do know after reading novels all my life is that rumours around noble circle are mostly lies. So, I can decide myself what type of person my brother is? Point is I still have the ability of mine, which I obtained back in earth. Well for starters, I can read minds, which makes things easier for me. Now then....

It's time for some fun... Hehe

Hello, thanks for reading the prologue.
Next chapter will be published soon.
I will write more if I get a couple of readers. Otherwise, well... I will still write it anyway. It might delay a bit, due to classes and all. So, making time is quite difficult. But, I plan to continue it, so I hope you stay till the end. Coz, there will be a lot of surprises.

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