The Wedding And Woes

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Xin ci can't believe his in the wedding of his only son. And marrying the mob boss Shen Wei.

"We have a deal!" But Big Boss Shen won't hear him and give him a bear hug. "Come on Xin ci! His your only son! Make him happy like my son Wei! They need each other!" And hit him lightly on the stomach. But to Xin ci it was a heavy blow and he cough on it.

"Beside aren't you gonna thank me for finding the culprit who jailed you there!" And wiggle his eye brow. " way! It's you who found him?!" Big Boss Shen nod, "Yes! His being living in a farm not far from the city! And the money he took we dug it under his many plants there! That weasel! If we only not need him I will dig his grave there!!!" As he punch the wood wall that made some cracks.

Xin ci swallowed hard, "He....he....luckily you found him friend!" As he sweat and went quickly to his son side whose looking so marvelous in his wedding suite. "Dad! I'm so happy you agree that I would marry Xiao Wei!" His father look worried. "Are you sure?! Your future children would be thugs son! Think carefully!"

Yunlan smile at him, "But they're now my children!" His refering to Chu, Guo, Sang, Cong Bo, Da quing and someone missing. Yunlan forgot who he is, "Oh! Yes Ying! Where did he go anyway?"

Ying was put in the hospital and woke up finding no one is around. "Hello?!"

Back to the wedding, "Maybe will visit him after the wedding? Hmmmm....." Xin ci shake his son, "Are you sure about it think twice!" But suddenly they heard a cough Big Boss Shen is at their back gazing at Xin ci. "Eeeeeep! When did he came? Did he hear us?" Xin ci sweating hard. Big Boss Shen tap Xin ci that they need to walk in the aisle for the wedding will begin.

In a minute Yunlan almost leap in the arms of Shen Wei whose looking so beautiful in his black suite. "You're my everything Ah Lan!" Everyone chuckled seeing how Yunlan eagerly pulled Shen Wei to his side to be marry. Yezun began to cry when the priest start the wedding. Da quing wipe his eyes with his handkerchief. Because he was strap in a wheelchair and can't move. Which his father put him there for punishment. And Da quing is the only one that will take care of him from now on. No one will go near or touch him even his men, only Da quing. So he might appreciate and learn to love him.

Da quing on ther hand getting irritated whenever Yezun command him to get something. But when his batting his teary, doe eyes on him he can't say no to him.
Meanwhile Wang learned to love Sang bit by bit but still she have a homing device on her ankle in case she would run away from him. He still can track her.

Chu on the other hand still flirting to Guo whose trying to avoid him. Even in his seat. But Cong Bo and Sang help their friend Chu in getting the little man for their friend. Pyro is now in jail but he didn't know what awaits him there. For Big Boss Shen have a few men in there and ready to pounce him up for hurting his family. Poor Pyro will he live for another day?

Ying on the other hand still being taken care in the hospital by a nurses. "Where is everyone anyway?" The nurse gave him sedative to calmed him down because his wounds is not yet fully healed.

After the wedding everyone take a pictures first family, friends and their adopted children. That's remind me.... "Wait?! Why am I not in the picture?!" Ying complained but fell asleep immediately as the effect of the medicine worn on him.

In a week or so Yunlan made a schooling for the orphan kids on how to handle and ride a horse. And found a cute boy to adopt to be their real son. His name is Hans who looks like a minnie Shen Wei.

While Shen Wei build another mall for their business and the number of his men increased. Soon his handling his father business as well.

Yezun on the other hand was force retired by his father and now vacationing in one of the remote tropical islands in the Philippines with Da quing.

Chu and Guo on the other hand was engaged. Chu was so happy he learned to smile while Guo learned to know how to self defend himself. As he didn't know Chu have many women admirers who tried to kill him for taking Chu away from them.

Wang and Sang are finally married and her homing device is been taken off and have a lovely house near the city.

Cong Bo is with Ying managing one of Boss Shen Wei's busines outside the country. As all live happily ever after. Well we almost forgot Big Boss Shen is now retired and spending time more and more with Xin ci whose trying to avoid him. He was cornered to be married to him in exchange of a branch business of Big Boss Shen. As all live happily ever after.....The End.💋



Hey! Nayabi1 I hope you like the story and the ending. As the story end I will continue my other story and write a new one. Stay safe everybody and don't loose hope!💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓😍

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