An Unexpected Tragic Event

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Xin ci called Da quing and Guo to know what's happening to his son.

"Shen Wei father came and I didn't like him!" Da quing nod as well as Guo. "They're scary!" Guo added. "Then tell to Yunlan I need to speak to him now!"

Yunlan on the other hand was in the stable tending his horse, Black Rider with Ying and Sang guarding him. "Where's Da quing and Guo?" He ask. "It's they're day off sir!" Said Sang. "Oh...." Yunlan feeling gloomy because Shen Wei is always busy with his work while his friends are off work. He have nobody to talk too only his horse.

When Wang suddenly came with her own horse. Ying and Sang was surprised. Especially Sang whose caught at her beauty. "Mr. Zhao! Can I have a race in the field with you?!" He ask. Yunlan smirk, he want too. But remember Shen Wei's words. He didn't want to be apart with his horse if he would be friendly with Wang. So he decline her offer.

Meanwhile at the office, Yezun came barging inside his gege making Shen Wei and Chu frown. "How did you get here?! Where's Cong Bo and my men!" As he sign Chu to throw out Yezun. But Yezun suddenly stop him. "I'm not here to make trouble! But one of your men is a spy of Pyro!" As he gave Ying's picture to Shen Wei. "It is up to you to believe me or not?! But that little devil is about to harm your precious treasure!" He smirk and leave.

Shen Wei crumpled the picture, "Don't you believe him sir!" Said Chu because he have confidence in his men. "Just call Sang quickly I want to know where they are?!"

Back to Yunlan, while his talking to Wang. Ying drop a tablet on his drink and gave it to him. He was about to drink it but Wang took it from him and spilled it. Ying widen his eyes but still compose himself not to be notice. "Come on Zhao! Just one race! Your husband won't know it!" She convince him as she innocently bat her eyes on him while caressing his hand.

Sang on the other hand was mesmerize by her. He didn't notice his phone was turned off by Ying and dropped it in the bucket of water. "I'm sorry! But if I didn't do this Pyro will kill me!" He apologized to Sang internally.

While Wang have convince Yunlan. They took their horses at the field and gallop away. Sang was about to follow them in his car but Ying knock him off at his nape. Pyro's men suddenly infiltrate the vicinity killing some of Shen Wei's men.

Yunlan didn't know the danger on what's happening as his preoccupied in winning the game. He suddenly notice three different vehicles. Two cars and a truck for the horses following them. "They're not Shen Wei's men?! Where's Sang?!!!" He suddenly shout to Wang to gallop fast as they're being followed.

"Stop Zhao Yunlan or will gonna shoot!" Shout Pyro's men. "Sh-t!!! Wang! Go to different direction! They only want me!!!" First Wang didn't want to but as she heard gun shot her horse automatically run off to a different direction. Leaving Yunlan being chass by Pyro's men.

"Stop I say!" When one of them about to shoot. Ying stop them, "No!!! You promise no harm will come to him. The man smirk, "Pyro boss told us to do anything just to get that lucky charm!" As he tried to hit Yunlan on the shoulder. Ying tried to stop him. But his comrade elbow him knocking him off. While he tried to shot Yunlan.

Yunlan horse galloped fast as they heard gun shot. "They will never get me with out a fight!" As they run toward the forest so the vehicles can't get through but he didn't anticipate that Pyro's men have a motorcycles inside the truck. As the two followed them in the forest.

Black Rider is getting restless and tired as the two motorcycle are running after them. While shouting and shooting guns. One of them accidentally shot near the horse legs making it out of control and throw Yunlan in one of the bushes as it gallop away.

With a limp leg Yunlan tried to walk and hide from his assailant. But still they found him and corner to a nearby cliff. "Hey handsome come back here!" As one of them took off his helmet revealing a scary big man who lick his lips. Seeing how handsome is his prey. "You have nowhere to go now! If you continue to go further you will die there! Our boss won't be happy!

He even want to taste you and be his wife instead! But before that we will have some fun with you!" As he approach Yunlan, they didn't expect he can give a good fight eventhough he have a broken leg. "Don't underestimate this face! I have scum like you easily defeated in my school years!" And gave him a power punch.

One of the men of Pyro seeing this took his knife out and about to thrust it to him but Yunlan knock his wrist sending the knife flying through the air and flipped the man up.

On the other hand Shen Wei and his men came and have eliminate the other thugs. As they went to the forest they are welcome by Pyro's men. Shen Wei have slipped and run toward the edge of the cliff where he see Yunlan being gang up by two thugs. One of them pulled out a knife and about to assault his wife. But his wife kick off his ass instead.

Shen Wei was very proud of Yunlan but suddenly the knock out guy was awaken again and about to shoot to Yunlan. Shen Wei quickly run toward him blocking his body from the assailant. The bullet hit him instead pushing him off the cliff. Yunlan jump to get this hand to rescue him. But it only made him fall off the cliff with him. Shen Wei was shocked as Yunlan embrace him as they fall. "Is this our end?!" But a smile plaster on his lips as he never thought Yunlan will follow him to his death as well.

Chu and his men are all too late in rescuing them. As they killed off the men of Pyro but Ying escape, "Search the area! Find boss and his wife no matter what!!!" Chu shout at them to find Shen Wei and Yunlan at the bottom of the cliff. "Please be alive!"

MY LITTLE CUTE, BROWN EYESHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin