Everyday Life

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Shen Wei in the morning doing his daily check up in his territories.

As he inspect the clubs he owns. Miss Mai one of the girls there have a crush to their boss Shen Wei and always flirting with him. "Stop it Miss Mai boss have already have a wife!" Sang block her way. "A wife?! Really? But wife is boring! Why not try to date me sir?" As she bat her eyes on him.

Shen Wei just chuckled, "How can he said to her his preference is different. And he only consider her as a sister."

Meanwhile Yunlan on the other hand was given a credit card by Shen Wei. And persuade him to buy anything he likes. But beside him Chu is guarding him not far. All women in the shop are gazing upon him. "This is more difficult than I thought?! This guy is getting much attention from the ladies!"

One of the women tried to flirt with Yunlan but as they saw Chu frightening face she back away from him. Yunlan didn't notice that as his concentration are someone else. His father whom he never seen until then. But his too afraid to visit him in jail for he might know what happened to him and can't hide it.

Until he bumped to someone that he didn't expect to see Zhu Hong whose buying clothes for herself. "Yunlan?!" She wanted to back away and can't look at him. Yunlan about to talk to her on why she abandoned him when Zhuiji came. "Oh! Zhao it's you?!" He cling to Zhu Hong's shoulder indicating his ownership to her.

Yunlan frown, "So what happened to the great Zhao Yunlan? I heard your father got arrested and your asset are all been taken by the bank? Poor you! Here!" As he took some money bills in his wallet and gave it to Yunlan. Yunlan throw it back to him. As he stop Chu from punching the daylights off on Zhuiji.

"Whose he?!" As Zhuiji and Zhu Hong became frighten. Chu looking like a thugs about to defend his boss. "I don't need your money! Nor a traitor girl! And I'm living fine thanks to you two!" As he shoved them and about to walk away. When he heard Zhu Hong said, "I'm sorry Yunlan!" But he ignored her and continue to walk out of the mall.

Chu notice they're walking farther and farther. "Sir our car is at the parking lot! Do you want me to fetch it so we don't walk?!" He ask. "Could you give me a some time alone to think?" As he continue to walk but Chu still on his tail and calling someone.

And that someone is Shen Wei. When he found out what happened he quickly get on his car and drove fast toward the mall. His men also went to their own car and followed their boss.

Yunlan that time was walking toward the beach near the mall when some men blocked his way. "I've heard your the new mistress of Shen Wei!" A huge man ask. Chu pulled Yunlan to hide behind his back. "Oh! So it's true?! Shen Wei preference is now new and he likes a model ken doll like him? Because his dog Chu is with him?!" The huge man spit his gum on Chu's emotional face.

Yunlan frown and about to scowl at him on why he do that? But Chu stop him, "I believe sir you must step aside." As he pushed Yunlan lightly because the huge man draw his knife and about to attack him. But they didn't anticipate there's more men behind Yunlan. As he was grabbed at the back. Chu tried to defend him but the huge guy swing his knife on him. He evade it quickly but Yunlan is being dragged away by other men. Almost tearing his clothes as he struggled to get free.

When out of nowhere a fist landed on their cheeks. Shen Wei was not happy someone touching what he owns and completely wipe them all before his boys came and help him. Chu also defeat the huge guy and made him confess who is the one who command them. "It's Pyro sir! He wants to warn your boss that he will get him somehow!" He was suddenly knock out by Chu. "So Pyro is back?!"

But Shen Wei think breaks as he saw his lover's state. "Are you alright?!" He help him up and covered him with his own jacket. Yunlan's heart can't help to be giddy. For Shen Wei is always kind and lovingly to him. As he sign his men to clean up the thugs they defeat and as they went back home.

Yunlan went to their room quickly to change his teared shirt. When warm hands suddenly embrace him from behind and soft lips touches his nape and back. Yunlan can't help to lean on him and moan. As those hands caressing his nipples while the other dangerously unzipping his pants.

"You got me worried! So you saw her again?" As Shen Wei kick their door to close it and turned Yunlan to face him. Yunlan was already red as Shen Wei continue to kiss him. "Do you want me to make you forget about her?" Yunlan just nod and close his eyes as he knows what will come next.

Shen Wei pushed him on the bed and pulled his pants quickly making him bare naked at his gaze. Like a panther he quickly hovered unto his prey and devored his lips while taking off his own clothes. Yunlan can't help to clutches Shen Wei's shoulder as he felt his hot body is pressing to his flustered one.

Suddenly Shen Wei grind his prize to his making him cried in pleasure as he knows what will happen next. He felt his legs was spread high up as Shen Wei penetrate him raw, "Aaaaah.....Wei...." Shen Wei smirk seeing how Yunlan react to it his body arch for more as he want to be taken again and again.

"Your so beautiful you know that? How you make me crazy for you!" As he kiss his legs and he move inside of him. Yunlan felt his world spin as his feeling lust and pleasure. That thing is kept on raming his soft spot making him first to spilled on Shen Wei as he followed. "No one can make you feel this way not even her!" As he continue his phase again. Making Yunlan scream his name as both burst at each other and he fell asleep in exhaustion.

When suddenly a ring on the phone break Shen Wei's attention. He still inside Yunlan as he move again and take the call. "Boss! I've found your wife's father! You can visit him tomorrow!" As the call ended. Shen Wei smile and kiss Yunlan's forehead. "Soon I will have your father's permission to marry you! And you'll be all mine!" As he continue what his doing having his delicious meal.

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