Break The Engagement? No Way!

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Yunlan begged Shen Wei not to transfer his friend even the stotic Chu trying to persuade him not too.

The two of them wonder why? They didn't know if Da quing is transfer. Guo would eventually followed him leaving Chu in the main branch in which he didn't like it.

Da quing on the other hand having a delima because his father is very angry finding out his working at the mafia. And now his the fiance of Yezun that he hated so much. "I must tell to the dad that the engagement must call off!" Guo agree on that but, "Will Big Boss Shen will like what will you do? Boss?" He timidly said. "Maybe Boss Shen Wei can help me!"

As they walk toward their destination only to hear the two of them fighting over him. Yunlan is loosing the fight as Shen Wei cornered him. And start kissing his neck and pressing his knee on his crotch. Making him hiss and moan.

"Maybe this is not a good time to talk to them!" As Da quing covered Guo's eyes and pulled him away before they see another exhibition of their boss flirtation toward their friend and lock the door. The two didn't notice the sound of the door as their concentration are at each other.

Yunlan's hands started clutching Shen Wei's shoulder as the latter making his body hot in pleasure. "Xiao......Wei.....not here....." Did he have said it? Or dream of it. For the next moment Shen Wei pulled his pants down and lift him up. To be laid down on the table. As Shen Wei place a lubricant on his prize and thrust upon Yunlan.

Yunlan tried not to moan loud but it's quite difficult if your being pounce over and over by your lover. While Shen Wei's other hand stroking his prize non stop. As he kiss Yunlan's nape, "Your always make me crazy for you Ah Lan!" And ram himself over and over to him. Yunlan can only moan helplessly as Shen Wei spilled inside of him.

Still not satisfied he was flipped up again this time facing each other as he was taken in again. While those soft, pink lips almost devoring his plump lips. As he making him faint in lack of oxygen while his legs are way up high on Shen Wei's shoulder.

He felt suddenly his shirt was teared as those sinful lips attacking his two errected nipples making him scream for more and called Shen Wei's name.

Outside Da quing and Guo was surprised seeing Yezun came with his men. Chu block them, "Do you have an appointment?! If not! Leave!" Yezun shoved him, "Don't worry not to my gege but to him!" As he pointed the shocked Da quing. Chu was surprised as well as Guo.

Sang on the other hand still woeing Wang by giving her flowers and chocolate. "Look! I don't need this! Just let me go! I want Yunlan not you!" She shout. "Sorry I can't! Either you like me or face the wrath of my Boss Shen Wei! You kidnapped his wife, Wang! Don't you understand that?!" As he left her inside her room with foods and lock it. She scream in frustration as she can't get out of her golden cage.

Ying woke up in an empty room, "Where am I? Where are they?!" And tried to walk to find foods in the kitchen. Cong Bo whose guarding him was shocked seeing his gone. He didn't know Ying went to the kitchen and found an egg sandwich and ate it. When suddenly he heard someone walking toward the kitchen. He quickly hide under the table.

Yunlan looking fresh with a smile trying to find his sandwich. "Did I ate it?" As he took the ingredients out of the refrigerator and made another one. But as he turned to make a avocado shake. His sandwich is gone again. "Whatta?!!! Do we have a big mouse here?!" And tried to find it but there's nothing around. "Hmmmm?" As he made another one.

Ying was quite hungry as he saw Yunlan made another egg sandwich . He snatched it away again and ate it while hiding under the table. When Yunlan turn his back again. He was shocked his sandwich was gone again. "Are there ghost here?" Hearing that Ying tried not to giggle or make s sound.

Back to Yezun and Da quing, they went to a coffee shop to talk about the engagement. "We have a problem to solve." As he sip his coffee. Da quing seeing the opportunity to get his revenge for his friend. Smile with a smug on his face, "Really?! I didn't see anything wrong? You win all because I'm an attorney and a very important person! And beside I'm quite a catch don't you think?"

That made Yezun almost spit his drinking. "Look! Cat! We both hate each other one hundred percent! Convince my father that your no match for me! And call off this engagement!" Da quing quite enjoying making Yezun frown. "This is for my friend! Little hoodlum!" He said to himself.

"No!" That made Yezun pop his eyes hearing that. "Don't tell me you like me?!" He suddenly draw his small knife and put it infront of Da quing's throat. The waiter dropped the drinks his carrying while every customers gasps on what is happening.

Da quing sweat and swallowed hard. "You won't do that to a family member? Since I will be one of yours?" Yezun gritted his teeth as he know the smug cat is correct. "Family! Is Family Yezun! No one touches our family! And gets away with it!" That's what his father told him a million times.

He clutches the knife on Da quing's throat and put it away. Making his men felt relief as they know their boss calmed down. "Do you like me that much kitty cat? That you don't want to break the engagement?" He got near to his face. That's when Da quing realize Yezun looks like Shen Wei in many angle beautiful but deadly. "Maybe.....? Or I want to annoy you forever!"

Meanwhile back to the base, Yunlan run quickly to Shen Wei's arms, "What's wrong?!" As he tried to calmed down his wife. "I think there's a big mouse in our kitchen! My sandwich is disappearing every minute!" Shen Wei draw his gun. "Don't worry that big mouse won't left this house alive!"

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