This is Illegal. I love it!

Start from the beginning

--Real World--

Inko watches as the clone dives into the simulation, and Nezu also watches. Seeing clone Izuku wait around got a little boring, but things pick up pace fast once he started flying around. Finding his first enemy, Nezu watches in anticipation, and it was rewarded as in an instant, the firewall blew up in size, and shot out an unstoppable laser which shred through all of Izuku's clones.

"I see why you said this was dangerous."

Seeing Izuku reappear again on his screen, Nezu just smiled in glee.

"One death Izuku. I bet you can't beat that one bot in 50 lives."

Matching the smile, and connecting to the speakers, "I bet you're wrong Nezu. Give it your best shot."

Watching him jump in again, Nezu opens up a counter, clicks one on the screen, and watches.

Seeing Izuku fly towards the bot once again, Nezu watches as he splits the army in two, but the same effect happens, with lasers coming out of the bots hands at both armies instead of just a single one from it's chest.

Clicking a second one on, Nezu watches Izuku come back as he ups the wager.

"Nezu, if I beat it in 50, now 48 tries, I get 3 large favors which I can use any time."

Smiling at the challenge, Nezu replies in a smug tone. "And if you can't beat it in your next 48 tries, you have to do one large favor for me. Deal?"


Rushing back in again, Nezu watches the fireworks, the death counter always open.

--Digital World--

Rushing at the bot for the 5th time, and splitting until the entire bot is encircled from every direction, Izuku is dead set on finding out just how many lasers one bot can shoot.

Immediately killing his hopes, the bot glows white and fires a pulse in every direction which Izuku dies from again.

Getting a little frustrated, Izuku tries again.

Over and over, plan after plan, Izuku fails again and again.

All until the 48th try.

"Nezu. I figured it out. I'll need this and one last try, which I have, to beat it."

Hearing a small cackle, Izuku fives in once again, before reaching the bot once again.

"Lets try this."

Taking a page out of a real biological virus, and a new slice of code, Izuku alone dives for the bot.

Doubling right before the bot shoots, making the bot target the duplicated bot rather than Izuku, he gets just close enough to throw his plan. A single reaper worm.

Latching onto the bot as a reaper worm, he worms his way inside, and hides there, taking all the code for himself, and copying to the billions.

Realizing what's going on, the bot pulses into itself, destroying Izuku, but not before Izuku gets his hand on all the code.

Jumping in for the 49th try, Izuku arrives close to the bot, and executes a test. 

Looking in the code, he found specific file types the bot isn't allowed to touch, because they hold sensitive information. Using this exploit, and worming his way past the bot, he finds one of Nezu's 'gifts'. A small chunk of code from a virus as old as the morris worm.


Adding this code to his reaper worm, and tweaking it a bit so it can hold itself against modern software, he tests it by worming his way close, then sending in the worm. However, he forgot to attach the camouflage to the worm, and as such, both he and the worm were noticed by the bot and subsequently destroyed. 

Jumping on the 50th try, his last try, he camouflages both himself and the worm, slowly getting close as to not get detected, and slips in the worm.

The worm duplicates as it should, and the bot notices it as it should, while missing Izuku as he floats away to watch the fireworks. 

charging a pulse internally to rid itself of the worm, the last bit of code strikes, and the fireworks happen indeed.

Pulling some inspiration by the game mob of the same name, each creeper entity would latch onto the target, infest it on the inside entirely, then when it gets cramped and one is squished to death, kaboom.


--Real World--

Chuckling a little at the age-old but timeless meme, he replies so Izuku can hear him.

"Yes Izuku, Kaboom."

As he finishes the words, the pulse goes off, and the worms die in a grand flame. Each of the hundreds of trillions of worms all blow up at once, causing the bot itself to break apart and turn into a mass of code.

Accepting his defeat, Nezu just nods as Izuku comes out of the code.

"Did you learn?"

"Yes that overwhelming force is sometimes not the best for fighting."


Ending off the session for that day as it was midday, Izuku already planned out his 3 favors.

"One, can Inventor be able to work in a genuine workshop? He needs to build one to actually get his builds done."

"I can arrange for a workshop to be built where he lives. I'll see to it with his approval."

"Two, can I get a database of all his quirk ideas? Some seem useful."

"I'll do you one better and compile the governments with it. It seems like quirk analysis will do you well."

"Thanks Nezu, and three, I'll save that one for when Inventor finishes his project."

"I'll remember that then. I'll get started on the first two, and that'll be all I assume?"

"Yup yup!"

Watching this from the back, Inko really starts to wonder.

'Is Nezu going to corrupt Izuku into taking over the world? I hope not. He'd just paint a target on his back that everyone will be gunning to shoot. Everyone but me, Nezu, and a few others of course.'

1 message from "Inventor"

Building dude: Thanks for the workshop. With the technology in there, I'll finish your present by tomorrow. Cheers, and I'll show you some fun you can have in the real world.

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