chapter twenty-four

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cw ; explicit mentions of disordered eating

Having dropped the kids off at school, (Y/N) tossed her keys onto the kitchen island and grabbed herself a tall glass of chilling water. She'd need something to cool her nerves after the conversation she'd had in the car; she had informed the children that their father was doing better than the day before which sparked them into affirming that she was the best thing that ever happened to him, only she could heal him and that a kiss would fix him in a jiff. Something about hearing that from the little Aftons really made her heart grow, smile widen and cheeks flush. Speaking of Afton... 

Slipping off her shoes, (Y/N) climbed up the stairs, determined to bring William down them. He could stand up and walk around with minor difficulty, so he was definitely recovering – that painstakingly awkward back massage was completely worth it, huh? Outside his door, she gave herself a second to shoo away the red that'd crept up her cheeks, taking in a deep breath and opening the door... 

... to no William inside?

Where was he?

Everything in his room looked relatively the same as she'd left it, except, well, his obvious absence. Hearing water running in the bathroom, the woman made an "oh" sound, smiling at the fact that he was well enough to do his morning routine. Plopping down on his bed, she crossed one knee over the other, leaning back with her hands behind her as she waited for him to be finished. In the meantime, she made a mental plan of all the things she had to do today, bopping her knee up and down in a steady rhythm.

A moment later, the door opened and out stepped William, all refreshed and... ready for work? Face brightened, unruly hair in check, suited in a pristine blouse and trousers, and that strong fragrance of lavender that he carried. He closed the door behind him, working on buttoning his cuffs and sparing a glance towards the (H/C)-ette. She sat upright, both feet firmly on the ground as she gawked at him.

"You'll catch flies like that, love." 

Shutting her mouth that she hadn't realised she'd left open, she figured she'd humour him back. 

"You better come back to bed right now, mister." 

Electrifying, ice-blue eyes shot her way like a sharpened arrow, piercing straight through her and rendering her as still as a statue, as if he'd pinned her just by his gaze. The corners of his mouth upturned, a smirk growing and an eyebrow raised, regarding the woman's feeble form on his humongous bed, perfect for two. Folding his burly arms over his equally as burly chest, Afton took slow strides towards his counterpart's seated figure until her knees ghosted over his shins, all the while keeping his chilling orbs trained on hers. He licked his lips, emitting a mockingly thoughtful sound.

"Mm, how could I resist, dear."

"Huh—" Red immediately coated (Y/N)'s cheeks, her eyes widening drastically as she shook her head. "That's not—it's not–" The implication of her words hit her full force now, slapping a hand over her mouth whilst William guffawed. "I–I just mean—your back!" 

"I'm afraid I've already changed, love. I'll keep the door open for you next time." 


"I do adore your cries for me." 

"S–Stop it!" (Y/N) huffed, her knees weak from the sheer amount of tension Afton was brewing within her – the kind that had her core warm and her thoughts steamy. She rose up onto shaky legs, standing her ground and giving him the hardest glare she could muster. It did look rather silly, to be fair, considering how much blush was splotched all over her face. She forced out her next words through gritted teeth, hoping she could stamp down her embarrassed stutter. "Y–You've still got another day of medical leave!"

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