chapter twenty-two

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"You look great today, mamas!" 

"A–Ah, thanks," Stuttered a blushing (Y/N), caught off-guard by the endearment.

Mamas was a new one! She flashed a smile at her snorting coworker, who found her flustered state very amusing. To think only two weeks prior it was them who was the mumbling, jumbling mess: the first worker she'd met when she entered the establishment a fortnight ago! They'd grown close with each other ever since, spending breaks together when she couldn't with William and gossiping about the rest of the staff. Apparently, the cheese wasn't real cheese, Henry's wife was a vampire, and a rumor was going round that the animatronics were haunted, among other things.

"What's up mamas~?" They teased, knowing they'd found a weak spot. 

"Stop calling me that..." Groaned the waitress, hiding her cheeks behind a serving platter. She didn't view her fellow waiter in a romantic light at all, but the use of such a nickname still made her feel funny. 

"Oh why~yyy mamas~?" They continued, gently caressing her hands and lowering the large platter, staring intently into her eyes and wiggling their eyebrows.

It took a split second for (Y/N) to catch on – it wasn't uncommon for the two to fake flirt with one another and see who could get the other to recoil first. Taking her hand, they pressed it to their chest, intentionally drawing her in closer. Not only could she feel it, but she could also hear their racing heart. Her own began to speed up thanks to the adrenaline. Thank God they were in the more secluded section of the diner because she would not be going down without a fight! 

The woman set her platter down on a nearby table and wiggled her hand out of their grasp. They reached out again but she caught their hand first, interlocking their fingers and yanking them towards the wall, essentially pinning them against it. At their gasp, a chuckle left (Y/N), quietening it down so she wouldn't disturb her flow. With their new proximity, her coworker could not escape her advances. She neared them even further, lightly brushing the back of her knuckles against their warm cheek. It was working: she was definitely going to win today! 

"You want me to be your mama so bad, hmm~?" Hummed the waitress, holding a passionate element in her gaze.

A smirk crossed their features at first but was wiped off in the next instance. Did she win? It was as if she could see the bile physically climb up their throat when their Adam's apple bobbed and they averted their wide-eyed stare to the floor. (Y/N) bent on her knees slightly to catch their attention again, a smug smile on her lips that... faltered when she saw them subtly shake their head.


"Employees are strictly prohibited from flirting with each other." 

Yelping, (Y/N) whipped around and tripped on a chair leg, regaining her footing and coughing in her hand. She turned to face William who had his arms folded across his chest, surveying her. There was something wrong in his gaze–no, his glower, and she realized it when she didn't feel her heart erupt at his presence. A sinister iciness swirled in his orbs, like an impending blizzard was forming behind them. She'd never seen him like this before, or this... this... what was he feeling? She had no idea. The thin line he pursed his lips into didn't help, either. She glanced at her coworker, watching them gulp in their own nervousness. They were too afraid to say anything... guess she'd have to break the ice.

"N–No, what, u–umm." She carefully leaned off of the table supporting her, raising her hands to hold him and reassure him, but she froze when he brought up his hand instead.  

"Get to work, both of you. You aren't paid to loiter." Without another word, he stormed off, leaving his employees to bask in the awkward silence.

That was... a first.

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