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Pinks, oranges and purples colored the sky, oh, and a warm, maroon hue, too! Weird... was it common for shades of red to streak the clouds?

Whatever it was, (Y/N) was far from distinguishing it. With the wind scratching her cheeks, and blaring music roaring into her ears, she was incapable of answering herself, instead, letting the thought float away in her mind. God, she felt so... so... gah! She couldn't even figure out a word to describe how she was feeling right now.

Golden rays of warmth shone on her skin, tenderly caressing where the wind had scathed. It grounded her, ever so slightly, and (Y/N) instantly closed the windows, twisting the radio dial a few notches down.

Looking up at the sky, she could now see the sun setting slowly, registering the absence of red in the scene.

Memories flooded back to her, reminding (Y/N) of where she was, and what exactly was going on.

(Y/N) had just cleared up a murder – her own, of course. That face of utter desperation, those unending crocodile tears, the steel grip on her arms, the crying and thrashing to stop... and yet, she didn't. She kept on going: stab, after stab, after stab, after stab. Even when he was more than sure to be dead, (Y/N) only quickened her pace, penetrating the knife wherever there was a patch of skin, just craving to be delved into.

Was she happy? You betcha!

This was her seventeenth murder, and she was still a free woman! Quite the mastermind, she'd say so herself. All her criminal acts were framed as accidents and misfortune... a shame she could not claim her handy work, but hey, she couldn't kill if she was barred in prison! No police investigation had ever pointed their accusatory fingers at her, never! Was she speeding down the road to escape them? Absolutely not!

In fact, she was headed back to her childhood town – Hurricane, Utah! That's where her last victim resided, and then finally, she'd be free from this life of bloodshed. Hopefully.

Ah, childhood... what horrors.

It wasn't always so poor. No, not until mum and dad had started cheating, and cheating repeatedly. That's when it all went downhill. They were too busy fighting between each other and seeing new lovers to ever pay attention to their sweet baby girl. Countless, restless nights thanks to no comfort in terrifying thunderstorms;  starving school days because she hadn't gotten lunch money; nursing a hungover parent back to better health... the list was endless, and for little (Y/N), they were the bane of her existence. Those years of neglect were utterly miserable.

However, that was all okay! She never held it against her parents, no, they had just been... corrupted by outsiders who wanted to destroy her family. Well, she'd just have to devastate them back, huh? Their innocent daughter had a lust for vengeance pooling in her soul. Of course, as a child, she was far too itty bitty to carry out any of the executions she had daydreamed about. Luckily for her, the hunger never left, and as soon as she hit her late teens, her killing spree began. That was only fair, wasn't it? Getting payback for the years she lost in her childhood, on those horrid losers that had fucked it all up.

Yeah, that was really lenient on her part... alas, she forgave and forgot easily – after watching them struggle to survive and drenched in their own blood, that is! She realised a while ago that this behavior of hers was unhealthy, but what else could she do to soothe her inner child? She'd gone long enough facing no remorse, now she'd return the favor.

Drumming her fingers on the steering wheel, (Y/N) chewed on the insides of her cheeks, pondering over her game plan. Over the phone, it had been decided that her last victim would give her a room in his house, for her to stay during her visit to Hurricane. He was... a strange one. He had arrived on her doorstep when he was a young college lad, looking for a fun night with an older woman, who just so happened to be (Y/N)'s mother. He was a frequent. But even so, he was caring and kind, despite ruining her life in the meantime. It's almost as if he had no idea how much damage he was truly causing.

Very strange indeed.

No matter, though! She wouldn't discriminate against him and his peculiar ways... he'd be dead soon just like the rest of her prey.

Henry Emily would be dead and (Y/N)'s life's work would finally, finally, come to an end.

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