chapter five

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Knocking? Forget knocking – (Y/N) never knocked. Ever.

Bursting through the door, she stormed into William's office, a bounce in her step. She had so much energy and nowhere to use it. The occupant glanced up from his paperwork, unfazed by her sudden entry. Putting his pen down, he sighed, remaining hunched over his work. He'd begin it again as soon as he dealt with whatever she had to just so urgently tell him.

"I adore the company, I really do, love, but I'd rather you knock before you barge in." He gestured for her to sit down.

Taking a seat, the employee leaned back into it, pushing it's two front legs off the floor and balancing herself on the back two. Her shoes went straight onto her employer's desk, shuffling a bit before reaching a comfortable position. He swiftly pulled his work folder towards him, grimacing at her actions. Putting her arms behind her head, she looked at the top of his head, because her shoes were obscuring his countenance.

"My... bad." She lied: she didn't feel bad at all. She'd never knock for Emily, she sure as Hell wasn't knocking for Afton. "I just... you brought me early as Hell—"


She squinted at his brown locks.

"There's nothing left to do outside! I deep-cleaned it already, because yesterday I deep-cleaned it anyways, so there wasn't even that much dirt—the point is, uh, yeah. I have nothing to do."

Studying her for a moment, William sighed again, bringing his paperwork to a close and setting it aside. Picking up his fountain pen, he tapped the tip of her shoes; she understood, groaning and sliding them off the worktop, her chair back on all fours. She folded her arms. He sat more attentively in his chair, propping an elbow onto the desk.

"I know I'm particularly charming," He praised himself, a hand on his cheek as he stared at her intently, "but do you expect me to entertain you, dear?"

"No... well, it's just lonely out there, that's all. I can go to Henry if you'd prefer—"

"I never said anything of the like, now did I? I merely asked if you wanted my assistance... does it not matter to you, darling? Would you prefer Emily over me?"

Gosh, he just loved being at the centre of the Universe.

"I'm starting to realize where the kids get their attitudes from."

William threw his head back and laughed – a pure, genuine laugh, that echoed throughout the room. It was husky and just... really sexy, she had to admit, holy shit. She'd never heard him guffaw like that, and to say she felt accomplished was an understatement. She was over the moon, God, she'd just made a man like him cackle so hard! Her cheeks colored, his laugh infectious and she chuckled slowly under her breath, mesmerized by his own. She definitely wanted that to happen more often.

"Of course! My kids are to take on my excellence, after all!" He mused, prideful, wiping a tear from his eye. Adjusting his tie and collar, he spoke again, "Speaking of them... last night was quite the scene, was it not, sweetheart? I sure hope they're impressing you."

"They are, they really are!"

This morning was even better – Micheal took it upon himself to make breakfast for everybody, and the cutie had spent a whole two hours making (Y/N)'s pancakes heart-shaped, and then claiming his dad was the one who made them. He'd contradicted himself, but she let it slide... he was probably really drowsy from being awake so early.

(Y/N) beamed at the memory, realizing shortly after how weird she must've sounded, considering the circumstances. "Uh, yeah, it's only been a few hours and they've, ahaha, they've really caught my heart... kinda awkward to say, y'know, with you as their dad and... me as some random woman but, ah, y'know; it is what it is." She shrugged, feeling bashful at her outburst. Containing her affections for the Aftons was too hard... she could explode with her adorations for those little misers.

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