chapter one

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Pulling into the carpark, (Y/N) yanked the keys out of the ignition, dropping them into her purse. Deep breaths, she reminded herself, deep breaths. She could already feel the thrill seeping into her bloodstream, but she had to control herself, biting down on her lip. As much as she wanted to strike him thrice and be on her way, that was not how she worked. She'd need to analyze and attack accordingly but... God, the adrenaline pumping in her vessels rendered her thought processes rather bloody and fruitless.

Get a grip on yourself, (Y/N).

Did she look presentable? She tilted the rear-view mirror her way, fixing up imperfections: she rubbed out any remaining sleeping dust in her eyes, smoothed down her hair and pressed her lips tightly together, coating them with balm. She released them with a pop, grinning at her reflection.

Was this the right place? Rereading the massive FREDBEAR'S FAMILY DINER sign, she nodded to herself, glancing at other vehicles in the carpark. She wouldn't be alone with Henry, which was a bit inconvenient for her tendencies, lucky for him though. Oh well, enough time's been spent in the car, let's go!

Walking in with an air of confidence, (Y/N) marveled at the establishment. A handful of employees were scattered around, mopping the checkered floors and wiping down the tables. Cleaning chemicals and oven-fresh scents lingered in the air, their combination not a very pleasant one to smell. Banners and posters were hung up everywhere, rainbows and glitter splashed on every nook and cranny. Perfect for excitable little children, not so much for a slightly sleep-deprived and caffiene-lacking adult. It certainly still was awe-striking, especially what had caught her attention, standing right at the centre of the diner.

Two animatronics, similar in colour: one a bunny, and it's counterpart, a bear with a purple bowtie and hat, a microphone in its oddly human-looking paw. It had to be the latest technology... and at a restaurant aimed for kids, too? This must've cost a lot of money, something (Y/N) could be stealing very soon.

"Excuse me ma'am? We're not open till—"

"I'm not a customer." (Y/N) cut the worker off, a friendly smile plastered on her face. "I'm here to see Mr Emily?"

"Oh! Boss Uno!" The employee brightened, swaying from side to side. "He should be at his office! It's at the back, err, just go... there and from there..." They explained the directions to the patient lady, getting confused themself and taking back words they had said. Fortunately, she had gathered a rough idea of where to find Henry, and figured she'd leave the puzzled individual be.

"Thanks, thanks," (Y/N) interrupted yet again, jazzing her hands, "I've got it, thanks."

Before the worker could react, she had made a dash for it, hugging her bouncing purse closer to herself. Reaching the halls, she slowed down, regaining her breath and briskly walking forth. She could understand the worker's nervousness, but she was in a hurry. Her lust to see her victim had just grown tenfold in two minutes, and if she didn't sate it any second now, she'd end up throwing a tantrum. She blamed it on the harsh bleach.

A door, about time! Wasting not another moment, (Y/N) twisted the knob, entering without permission. Did you really think she was going to take any, anyways? From someone who played a part in fucking up her childhood? Absolutely not. There'd be no respect for this loser.

Gazing around the room, she nodded in approval. Compared to how disheveled he had looked as a college student, he seemed to have grown into a proper man. The office was neat and clean, not a speck of dust on any surface. Strong cologne and faint cigarette. There was a box overflowing with toys in one corner. It was very... purple, contradicting to Henry's golden retriever attitude. (Y/N) stepped further in, swiveling on her heel as she examined the space.

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