chapter nineteen

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"Bright orange..?"

"Hush!" Silenced Elizabeth, picking up her victim's index finger and planting it on her lips. "Don't ask questions."

(Y/N) nodded, keeping the digit fixed on her face as the ginger applied neon orange eyeshadow on her eyelids. It wasn't a horrible colour, no, but it wasn't one that the woman would wear for something as casual as a... a restaurant outing. Yes, they were still going through with that, despite her cries not to – didn't want to waste the kids' money, she said, when in reality, she had no idea how she'd fare a whole night, alone, with someone as enticing as William.

How did she even end up here... oh, right. Elizabeth conveniently had a large assortment of makeup supplies, and her rule was that only she could use it on herself, and apply it on anyone else herself, too. And, having left most her supplies back home, miles away, (Y/N) had no other choice but to abide by the law.

Even this dress didn't belong to her, but it didn't take many wild guesses to figure out to whom it did. It was one of Clara's to-be dresses: William had bought it for their anniversary but their divorce arrived first. Such a special dress, yet a dress for someone Afton despised... She hoped it didn't remind him of old times or anything. She was reluctant to wear the dress in the first place, but he had insisted, and so she complied. Still, she wished it didn't make him think of not-so great memories.

"Move your finger, mommy! I have to put on lipstick!" Elizabeth ordered, rolling out a dark red hue. (Y/N) had never worn that color, ever! Her mother had forbidden it, saying only married women had a right to such a daring shade. She'd totally have worn it eagerly had she been married to Afton – what she'd do to be with Afton... but she wasn't married to him, unfortunately! So, when the little girl advanced to apply it, the older woman couldn't believe she was allowing it. Honestly, she was more concerned that this was way too much for a simple, casual, platonic, no romantic feelings involved, not-date, restaurant outing. Yeah, she wanted to impress him, but it also flustered her to be... trying to impress him. God, how she tried convincing herself...

"Are you even listening to me!?"

Jolting, the (H/C)-ette muttered a quick apology, smiling sheepishly at the cross ginger. "Sorry, Lizzie. What did you want?"

"Me? I want you and daddy to—oh! You mean right now?" Elizabeth giggled mischievously to herself, earning a raised eyebrow from her counterpart. "I want you to stand up and tell me how it looks! Your makeup!"

"Ah." (Y/N) nodded, getting up from the chair and letting the dress flow down to her ankles. Prepping herself mentally, she turned to face the body-length mirror. Her blemishes had been hidden and her (S/C) skin shone through, contrasted perfectly by the blush. (H/C) hair was stylized with flower pins and beads, and kept as simple as can be. (E/C) eyes stared at their reflection, going over all the curves that this apple green, satin dress accentuated. Not to an extremely evident degree; a more elegant, graceful kind. Which is also why she was reluctant to have such an extravagant palette used on her face – it didn't match the soft nature of the dress. Her face looked like it was ready for a high school party, whereas the rest of her was about to be crowned Queen. Alas, she had no fight in her to refute the design, and instead, appreciated Elizabeth's trade.

"Oh Liz, you've done such a great job! I love it so much!" Praised (Y/N), half genuine and half dreadful.

"You really think so—uh, well, of course you do! It was done by me, after all." Snickered the ginger, smiling widely and flipping her curls. "But that's not all, lookie here!"

(Y/N) gasped when the Afton presented her with satin gloves, and was about to decline wearing them when she got hit lightly in the face with them.

"Don't be a silly billy!" Elizabeth scolded, shoving them towards her elder, "Wear them! Hurry!"

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