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"Another!" Thor bellowed and smashed yet another glass onto the floor "Come brother, you are far behind us!" He grabbed a pircher of wine filling Loki's cup. Loki laughing downed the drink, he was already quite tipsy and going the right way to becoming well and truly pissed.

The party quarters  came with a feasting table which Volstagg was quite happily helping himself to the food. A bar had been set up with servers to bring drinks to the prince and his guests.

The Polterbend was well under way, a selection of warriors important to Odins court, a royal invitation was like gold and solidified relations between realms. The same would be done of the Brudefest, goddesses, warriors, and ladies of the royal court in attendance.

"Come Loki, you can't enter eternal servitude without celebrating the last of your freedom," Fandral Sneered, "before the little Mortal completely whips you."

"Careful Fandral, unless you want another lesson." Loki warned finished the last of his wine.
"Come, Loki, let us not argue. I have a gift for you." He smiled and span him around to be presented with a woman in front of him. She was tall, leggy, with caramel skin and dark hair, beautiful. Her eyes were like emeralds, she was breathtakingly stunning, but Loki stood raising his hands.

"My lords, you are mistaken. I have vowed to Y/N thant no pleasure maids will be at my Polterabend, and I will stick to that."
The woman looked crestfallen and Loki smiled, "Do not fret, you will be paid your due, but you can go." Loki walked away to leave, he had enough of this folly.

"Wait, if Y/N can have her own entertainment then so can you!" Fandral insisted. Loki turned on his heel. "Entertainment?" he emphasised, willing Fandral to elaborate. "Well, I saw three rather dashing bards enter the Brudefest quaters, and they didn't seem like they were just there to sing if you get my drift."

The others laughed, assuming that Loki was about to be cuckolded. Loki's jaw clenched at the thought that Y/N would dare be in the presence of any other men but him. "Bards you say? Three of them?" Loki asked.

"Yes, I saw them too." Hogun confirmed, going on to say how surprised he was that Y/N would have there and Loki felt his anger rise. So, she wants to be a hypocrite? Loki's blood boiled as he turned to the woman. "What's your name dear?" He grumbled. The woman stuck out her chest and smiled "Ashilde, your majesty." She bowed low, and Loki sat back down. "Come Ashilde, we have a lot of celebrating to do." he grinned.


"Loki didn't send the bards, it was Fandral." Sif confessed.

Y/N looked at her blankly, her mind a wizz with what had been announced. "Why would he do that? For the girls? Cause I certainly am not thankful." She turned to look at the main brunette singer and he gave her a wink.

"He wanted to prove to you that Loki is fickle. And to Loki that you are too emotional to be trusted with seiðr or to be his consort. He wants to rattle you and come between you."

Y/N started towards the door in anger, grasped the handle and turned. "Enjoy them while you can ladies, they are leaving." She announced and started down the hall. So Fandral thinks he can mess with me? He has another thing coming.

She heard the ruckus of cheers and laughter coming from the smaller banqueting hall. This was it, if she went in there was no going back. She was going to make this good. She quickly burst through the doors.

Loki And The Thief Pt2Where stories live. Discover now