A Happy Yule

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Trigger Warning ⚠️
There is a scene of assault/sexual assault

Y/N's eyes widened as she saw the beast charge towards her, pulling back to reach for one of her daggers on her waist band.

Arrows flew through the air to his the beast, to her surprise it dodged each one skillfully and fluidly as it moved through the air towards her. It was in this moment she realised it was ignoring everyone else except her, making a beeline towards her.
Loki, without thinking, darted in front of her, spear in hand ready to fight.

"Loki, what are you doing?!" Y/N screamed concerned for his safety, but it was soon out of her control as tbe beast knocked Loki out of the way and ploughed right into Y/N grasped her by the waist. She hadn't even known what had hit her, for a moment the only thought going through her head was why am I floatingnthrough the forest?

Not realising it was running her through the woods. She suddenly realised what was happening when she heard shouting from miles behind her, the sounds of hunt shouting into action to hunt the beast and save Y/N. Fear gripped Y/N but she wasn't in the habit of being saved, so she began to struggle and and kick, the creature growled.

"Keep still, mortal brat! Or I will rip out your throat right now!" The Brunnmigi could speak, shocking Y/N, she had thought it to be just an animal with no language.
"Let me go now, and I promise I won't hurt you!" She shouted, the Brunnmigi dug its claws into her side and she winced from the pinching of her skin.

"Not a chance, mortal brat!" It spat and continued to run, the Brunnmigis arm digging into her side, her heads bobbing and sharp barren twigs scratching her face, she ducked inward to avoid the scratches and scrapes. Finally she could nk longer hear the shouting of the hunting party, her heart clenched at the thought. What would become of her?

Her body hit tbe ground with a cold hard thud, and she pushed herself up looking around and realising she was in cavern, dark and cold. The grey stone looked as if it had been carved out centuries ago, and was dotted inside with small fires providing heat and light.

The Brunnmigi stood before her with a grin "Welcome to your new home, Mortal." He paced the cavern watching her every move.
"You can't think to keep me here, Loki will-"

"Your precious prince, will never find you here. Asgardians are not adept in tracking us."

"We tracked you in the wood?"

"Because I WANTED you to." The Brunnmigi swished his tail violently, making Y/N think this beast must have catlike reactions and nature. She really didn't want to hear him purr.

"We haven't seen a human in over a millennia, and here one is, falling right into our lap." He came face to face staring into her very soul, she could smell his foul breath, like pestilence making her grimmace and her stomach turn. "OUR lap?" She asked confused.

"Why yes, my pack will be very excited, we haven't had a mortal female for so long, their screams are the most delicious." He grabbed her ankle and yanked her accross the room violently and she shrieked in fear and surprise, he laughed and raked a claw down her cloak tearing it to ribbons.

"See? Such a pretty scream, I do hope you are a loud one." He laughed and began pawing at her garments, she fought him off and threw a punch connectiong with his cheek, the monster growling in anger. His fist came down next to her head which cracked the sto e underneath.

"Now be a good little mortal, and I may let you live long enough to bear my pups." He continued the rip and scratch, but Y/N would not stop fighting, he nudged at her leg but she stood fast against his attack and brought her leg up to connect with his groin.

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