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All week Y/N had put up with Loki's tricks. A snake in her bed, her bathroom filled with crickets and filling her sugar with salt in her morning breakfast. She had held her dignity well, but now was time to get her revenge. All week she had been compiling things to pull on Loki. First had been a bar of soap, his favourite one. She bribed one of the servants to bring her his bar of soap and she spent a couple of hours covering it with clear varnish. By the afternoon it was completely dried  so the next time he used it, it wouldn't lather at all.

She next went to the garden collecting seedpods from the trees. Taking them back to her room, she crushed them into a fine powder and stole away to Loki's chambers in the middle of the day. When she walked in she wanted so much to stay. She walked over to the book shelf and inspected its contents.

He had recently acquired a book on Midgardian Historical Events which she found impressive, and the complete works of Arthur Miller. The latter she decided to take, there was no theatre or TV as she knew it in Asgard, so a bit of drama steeped in political subtext was just the thing. She would start tonight with the play 'All My Sons' and every week select a new play from Miller's catalogue. Perfect!  Although she would never tell, the separation was killing her too! Looking around she gazed at his bed, and desired nothing more than to be with him every night curled up beside him. But until the marriage was redone in the eyes of Asgard, it could not be.

She walked over to his dresser where his undergarments were. Not so long ago, her things resided next to his. Now she felt further away from him than she did when she was kidnapped by Thanos. Then she paused. What the hell was she doing? Pulling pranks, being childish? Then she remembered her bed and the snake in the bed and the other little shitty thing he did. 

Nah, he deserved it. She opened the waist bands of the undergarments, one by one spilling in the mixture on the but and crotch of the underwear and folding them back up neatly. Now to wait for breakfast the next morning. She smiled to herself, knowing the torture he would face when he put them on, and not being able to wash the itch away. 

She walked out of his chambers with a smile on her face and made her way down the hall, and as she came around the corner she bumped into the last person she wanted to see, Odin. She had always given him a wide birth generally, especially after the ball where she accused him of ruling with a heavy hand.

 "Y/N, I did not expect to see you wandering the corridors. Should you not be with your tutors learning all that you can about Asgard? If you are to join with Loki, you must have knowledge befitting a worthy consort. Instead I find you here, close to Loki's chambers."

Y/N blushed but quickly recovered. "I was seeking the Prince on a matter. I was confused regarding the wars with Vannaheim. I understand it was an uprising? Anti Asgardian sentiment was rife, and I understand only two warriors were sent to help them and their 'undead' problem? Surely that would have gotten their backs up?"
"You question my decision girl?" Odin snapped.

Smiling, Y/N shook her head. "No, not at all... but now you mention it, it does seem a tad underwhelming don't you think? Promise an army and you only send two men?"
Odin began to walk and you followed closely. "Of course, the tactical gain over the Dragur, or undead as you called them was great. Especially with Heimdall among them. Also I had questions about Hel."
Odin stilled like she had hit him with a dart. "Helheim seems to have no books on the realm, like it has been hidden."

Odin turned to face Y/N angrily, but the look on her face stopped him. She was genuinely curious and had not wished to displease him. She realised his displeasure and took a step back. "I am sorry Allfather if my questions are impertinent. I just want to understand the reasoning behind your diplomatic decisions. To me they seem..."

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