She turned to Loki and kissed him sweetly and chaste, as she walked away, she flashed him a sly smile. "See you in a few days. Pretty boy."


The walk down the hall to the sun lounge was rather slow as Frigga spoke to her of her itinerary.
Frigga had chosen the sun lounge for you as it was large in size, light, and at night provided a beautiful view of the night sky.
"So, Frigga... when does the actual party start?" Y/N asked, excited for the celebrations to begin.

"Right now my dear, you will have a relaxing time I am sure. And I do have a little surprise for you." Frigga smiled as she opened the door to Y/N's room, without warning a pair of arms came and enveloped her, almost knocking her over.

Y/N looked to the assailant ready to kick arse when... she realised it was her best friend from Midgard. "Oh my god Y/N! I have missed you! What the hell!" They screamed and jumped with excitement. You turned to Frigga all confused. "We allowed you to have a friend here for your wedding. They will have no memory of being here when they return of course, but you will know you had the benefit of your most important friend on you wedding day." Frigga smiled.

"I can't believe it... you did this for me? But Odin-"
Frigga stopped her before she could utter another word, "Odin knows about this. Don't tell him I told you, but he approved it himself." She whispered. The three of them entered to see a sunlit spherical room, filled with plants overhead, scattered with pillows and blankets.

In the centre was a small pond with small fish, and everywhere in the room had small tables filled with food and fruit. "Wait a moment, how will this work? I mean, I love having you here mate, but won't home wonder where you've been?"

"They think I'm on a training course, so I'm getting paid AND getting to be your 'bridesmaid' or whatever." They both laughed at the idea, and Frigga smiled as she brought over to goblets of wine. "The rest of the party will be here soon and then the fun can begin. I will leave you two to get reacquainted."

Frigga left and the two sat down with their drinks. "Oh my god Y/N... what's going on? Mate I have been keepjng a brave face through all of this, I have legit just been taken and told you're getting married? What the fuck mate, do you need help?" Y/N's friend was obviously confused, why wouldn't they be?

"I'm alright, Y/F/N, I'm okay. Honestly, I have had so much happend to me over the last year. Trust me, I'm safe and I want to get married." Y/N assured her friend, but they didn't seem too convinced. Y/N went into her story she had been nearly two yeafs in Asgard and the story flowed from her.

Y/F/N listened intently and without intereuption. When Y/N finished her story, her friend sat back and huffed. "Wow... so you aren't even human."

"Mostly human!" She retorted "My dad was human!"

"And what about your mum?"

"Nitid was-"

"No not her, your real mum, back on earth. Or did you forget her?" They interrupted Y/N and scolded her. "You know she still hasn't goven up looking for you? You dissapeared Y/N, without a trace. Your work mates found the dealership destroyed and you not there, not anywhere. Everyone thought you were killed. Except your mum. You know she still hands out flyers asking for information?" Y/F/N looked angrily at Y/N and she turned with a sigh.

"Honestly? I didn't. I just... you know what we were lile, we never got on and I thought she was well shut of me." She said with a heavy heart. It was true, she never really thought about her earth mother, he real mother, all this time. She was there for everything, soothed every illness, there for every win and loss. Y/N then thought about her own faughter she was destined to have.

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