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"People love you"

No they dont

Not that way

They don't get drunk on the sound of my voice

They don't crave my smile

My presence doesn't bring them peace

I want someone to love unconditionally

And be loved the same way back

Like in the books or movies

I want someone to laugh with at unsightly hours about nothing in particular

To touch someone in a way I can't with others

Not even in a sexual way

In a way that when they hold me, i melt

Give them soft kisses on their head, reminding them how important they are to me

Someone i can fall so hard for, i won't be able to get back up

And we can lie together, all senses consumed by each other's existence

I want to tell them how beautiful they are, no matter how cliche

But as time goes by

I've come to realize that I am not someone that people love that way

Not that i can blame them

I don't deserve it

So I'll just read about other people's romances

And wish I had what they had

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