Lies, the Gateway to Imagination

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            What's the weirdest thing someone has told you? Or had you do? I'll go first.

           When I was in the seventh grade someone gave me the weirdest and greatest advice I'd heard.


         You may be thinking that it's weird advice to give, because doesn't everybody tell you to tell the truth? Let me explain further. If you are having writer's block and don't know what to put, put yourself as the character. Imagine you are telling this story to someone you know, as if it happened to you in real life. Close your eyes. Imagine a close friend or family member you would tell this story to, and tell it as if you were telling a story that happened to you at lunch. Then begin writing what you have just said.

        Put down on the paper the most interesting lies you can imagine. The most outlandish lies you can come up with. So crazy that they could never have really happened, but add just enough reassurance, that it's almost believable.

        Because they could be impossible in the real world, but in stories, anything is possible.

       You just have to imagine it.

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