Drowned Ones

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        I seemed to be drifting down into the depths of the sea.  My limbs gave out long ago, water entered my lungs.  My mind was blank, free of all thoughts of the world above.  Further and further I go, the bits of sunlight growing smaller.  Fish swam around my body, unbothered.  It was quiet.  Peaceful.  Beautiful.  And I was glad this was the last thing I would see,  for there are much worse things.  

      It was getting darker, colder, sea creatures were getting scarier, but all the same, I could not hate it.  All I could do was wait till I finally passed.  

     Now, my surroundings completely empty of sunlight, I could have thought I had closed my eyes, for I could see nothing.  As I went down further still, I began to see small lights.  Bioluminescent fish of all kinds surrounded me.  Some I had even recognised, others I did not.  I wouldn't be surprised if some were of an undiscovered species.  The ocean is a mysterious place and I did not pretend to know all it's secrets.  All I could do was watch it's beauty.  

    Then, I heard a soft, clear voice above the silence, and felt a gentle touch on my head.  "You have no thoughts of the land, no despair or fear, only acceptance and peace.  The creatures say you have a gentle heart, for you have no disgust for them, no matter how unsettling they may appear to other humans."  

    My gaze landed on the one who was speaking.  From what I could see, they looked almost human, though they had fins where their ears would be, scales on their cheeks and neck.  Their lower half was that of a shark's tail end.  I could not tell if they were male or female, but they were breathtakingly alluring, their eyes full of kindness.  

   "If you were to wish it, you could stay among the sea folk.  The sea has accepted you just as you had accepted it."  They smile down at me, and if I had any strength I would do the same back.

    I would love nothing more than to be able to stay here.

    And as if on cue, my body regained feeling again, my legs merged into one tail, webs formed between my fingers, gills connected themselves to my lungs and I could breathe again.  

   "Thank you.  Who are you?" I ask, my voice sounded different than it normally did, sweeter almost.

    "I am also a drowned one, and there is no need to thank me, it was you who saved yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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